


Make more trigger options support more than one test for the same value

mrbuds opened this issue ยท 0 comments


For many triggers it make sense to have multiple times the same filter, handled between them with a AND or a OR, in the same way the Aura trigger handle multiple names with logic OR between them

All of this can be achieved with multiple triggers, idea is to make user life easier

Ideas of triggers/options than could benefit that:

Health and Power Trigger

  • Health => an other line Health show with AND logic
  • Health % => an other line Health % show with AND logic
  • Deficit, Max Power...

Npc ID (any trigger with that option)

  • NPC ID => an other line with OR logic, alternatively support separators


  • Remaining Duration => AND


  • Spell => OR
  • Remaining Duration => AND
  • Current/Total Stages => AND

Combat Log Trigger

  • Source & Destination Name & Npc Id => OR
  • Spell Name, Spell Id => OR

Threat Situation

  • Threat Percent/RawPercent/value => AND

Player Experience

  • everything => AND

Character Stats

  • everything => AND