


Aura trigger: script ran too long

mrbuds opened this issue · 1 comments


Is there an existing issue for this?

  • I have searched the existing open and closed issues.


I don't know how to reproduce or which aura triggers this error, someone gave me this error log
I wonder if it's a problem in BT2 code or blizzard api

WeakAuras Version


World of Warcraft Flavor

Retail (Default)

World of Warcraft Region


Tested with only WeakAuras

  • Yes

Lua Error

7x WeakAuras/BuffTrigger2.lua:1759: script ran too long
[string "@WeakAuras/BuffTrigger2.lua"]:1759: in function <WeakAuras/BuffTrigger2.lua:1731>
[string "@WeakAuras/BuffTrigger2.lua"]:1881: in function <WeakAuras/BuffTrigger2.lua:1858>
[string "@WeakAuras/BuffTrigger2.lua"]:1913: in function <WeakAuras/BuffTrigger2.lua:1909>
[string "@WeakAuras/BuffTrigger2.lua"]:2115: in function <WeakAuras/BuffTrigger2.lua:2033>

matchDataChanged = <table> {
 Defensive Cooldowns Non Absorbs = <table> {
 CloudBurst Totem = <table> {
 Tidebringer = <table> {
time = 820665.510000
unit = "party1"
filter = "HELPFUL"
unitAuraUpdateInfo = <table> {
 addedAuras = <table> {
 updatedAuraInstanceIDs = <table> {
 isFullUpdate = false
scanFuncNameGroup = <table> {
 Earth Shield = <table> {
scanFuncSpellIdGroup = <table> {
 31821 = <table> {
 33891 = <table> {
 15286 = <table> {
scanFuncGeneralGroup = nil
scanFuncName = nil
scanFuncSpellId = nil
scanFuncGeneral = nil
(for generator) = <function> defined =[C]:-1
(for state) = <table> {
 1 = 1140609
(for control) = 1
_ = 1
auraInstanceID = 1140609
aura = <table> {
 spellId = 391171
 isBossAura = false
 duration = 12
 expirationTime = 820675.500000
 isFromPlayerOrPlayerPet = true
 points = <table> {
 icon = 1418495
 nameplateShowPersonal = false
 nameplateShowAll = false
 auraInstanceID = 1140609
 timeMod = 1
 isRaid = false
 isHarmful = false
 canApplyAura = false
 name = "Calcified Spikes"
 isHelpful = true
 applications = 0
 isNameplateOnly = false
 sourceUnit = "party1"
 isStealable = false
(*temporary) = <table> {
 spellId = 391171
 isBossAura = false
 duration = 12
 expirationTime = 820675.500000
 isFromPlayerOrPlayerPet = true
 points = <table> {
 icon = 1418495
 nameplateShowPersonal = false
 nameplateShowAll = false
 auraInstanceID = 1140609
 timeMod = 1
 isRaid = false
 isHarmful = false
 canApplyAura = false
 name = "Calcified Spikes"
 isHelpful = true
 applications = 0
 isNameplateOnly = false
 sourceUnit = "party1"
 isStealable = false
(*temporary) = "party1"
(*temporary) = 1140609
(*temporary) = <table> {
 spellId = 391171
 isBossAura = false
 duration = 12
 expirationTime = 820675.500000
 isFromPlayerOrPlayerPet = true
 points = <table> {
 icon = 1418495
 nameplateShowPersonal = false
 nameplateShowAll = false
 auraInstanceID = 1140609
 timeMod = 1
 isRaid = false
 isHarmful = false
 canApplyAura = false
 name = "Calcified Spikes"
 isHelpful = true
 applications = 0
 isNameplateOnly = false
 sourceUnit = "party1"
 isStealable = false
(*temporary) = "points"
(*temporary) = <table> {
 1 = -10
 2 = -12
(*temporary) = 2
(*temporary) = -12
(*temporary) = "party1"
(*temporary) = "HELPFUL"
(*temporary) = 1140642
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = 1
(*temporary) = <table> {
 1 = 10
(*temporary) = 1140642
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = true
(*temporary) = <table> {
 debuffClass = "none"
 modRate = 1
 duration = 10
 isBossDebuff = false
 expirationTime = 820675.508000
 unitCaster = "player"
 stacks = 0
 time = 820665.510000
 casterName = "Skånérostide"
 unitName = "Lümmell (*)"
 points = <table> {
 icon = 237574
 UpdateTooltip = <function> defined @WeakAuras/BuffTrigger2.lua:257
 auras = <table> {
 auraInstanceID = 1140642
 isCastByPlayer = true
 lastChanged = 820665.510000
 name = "Ancestral Vigor"
 filter = "HELPFUL"
 isStealable = false
 unit = "party1"
 spellId = 207400
(*temporary) = <table> {
(*temporary) = "script ran too long"
matchDataUpToDate = <table> {
 nameplate2 = <table> {
 party3 = <table> {
 nameplate3 = <table> {
 nameplate1 = <table> {
 target = <table> {
 party4 = <table> {
 nameplate6 = <table> {
 player = <table> {
 party2 = <table> {
 party1 = <table> {
CleanUpOutdatedMatchData = <function> defined @WeakAuras/BuffTrigger2.lua:1610
UnitExistsFixed = <function> defined @WeakAuras/BuffTrigger2.lua:125
newAPI = true
_matchDataChanged = <table> {
 Defensive Cooldowns Non Absorbs = <table> {
 CloudBurst Totem = <table> {
 Tidebringer = <table> {
_time = 820665.510000
_unit = "party1"
_filter = "HELPFUL"
_scanFuncNameGroup = <table> {
 Earth Shield = <table> {
_scanFuncSpellIdGroup = <table> {
 31821 = <table> {

Reproduction Steps

don't know

Last Good Version

No response


No response

Export String

No response


Looking at the trace, there's nothing odd there and I doubt that the code that executes up to that point takes too much time.

And we would need a lot more information, like the aura and a description when it happens to even have a chance of figuring this out.