


Having a sound in Actions - On Show and a Condition set to play at the same time prevents the Actions - On Show sound

nullKomplex opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Is there an existing issue for this?

  • I have searched the existing open and closed issues.


Okay, phew, this one is quite odd.

I had an aura with an Actions - On Show sound to know when it was active. When I updated this aura, a partially setup Condition was added:

This Condition both prevents my Actions On Show sound from playing, and doesn't play any sound as there is nothing selected. However, selecting a sound will still prevent the Actions On Show sound from playing (and the Condition will work as expected).

WeakAuras Version


World of Warcraft Flavor

Retail (Default)

World of Warcraft Region


Tested with only WeakAuras

  • Yes

Lua Error

No response

Reproduction Steps

I have provided example auras as well.

  1. Create an aura with a reliable trigger (I used cast start on player)
  2. Add a sound to On Show in the Actions tab
  3. Close WA Options and attempt to cast an ability with a cast time (I used a spammable heal)
  4. Observe as sound correctly plays.
  5. Add a Condition where if trigger 1 is active, then Sound Play. Do not select a sound.
  6. Close WA Options and attempt to cast ability.
  7. Observe as no sound plays.
  8. Select a sound and channel for the Condition. For testing purposes this sound should be different than the one used in step 2.
  9. Close WA Options and attempt to cast ability.
  10. Observe as only the Condition plays sound.

Last Good Version

No response


No response

Export String

You will need to check/uncheck Never in the Load tab as necessary.


That's most likely because we only ever play one sound per aura. The way that works is that if there's already a sound playing, it gets stopped and the new sound plays.

So if both are set, that only the condition plays is to be expected and not a bug. The empty condition shouldn't prevent the On Show Action though.


I was right about how this worked and I indeed only fixed the case that I indicated.