


Option within aura trigger for buff/debuff expiring post-gcd

rembeast opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Because of the spell queue window and how some classes have "gcd locked" rotations requiring knowing what the conditions are for their next gcd before the current one is finished. I would propose adding an option to the aura trigger for buffs/debuffs.

The option would be a simple tick box that reads something like "aura expires after current gcd"

Currently it is done in a custom trigger by checking gcd end time vs the debuff end time.

The end outcome is a trigger that returns true if the buff/debuff is present and the player is not on gcd, and returns true if the player is on gcd and the buff/debuff will still exist when the gcd ends. It would return false if the player is on gcd and the debuff expires before the gcd ends.


That's far too specific and too niche.