


[Premade Auras > Paladin] 10.1.5 holy rework changes

isse95 opened this issue ยท 1 comments


The 10.1.5 patch brought a rework to some of the talents in the holy paladin talent tree and template weakauras do not reflect this yet so this is what should change.

Premade Auras > Paladin > Holy > Buffs


Bestow Faith - Removed from the game
Flash of Inspiration - Remove this, no idea what it's doing there?
Light's Hammer - No buff for Light's Hammer
Rebuke - No buff for rebuke
Rule of Law - Removed from the game
Word of a Worthy Ally -No idea what this is doing here
Mana Divining Stone - No idea what this is doing here


Unending Light talent spell ID 387998 - buff spell ID 394709
Hand of Divinity talent spell ID 414273 - buff spell ID 414273
Untempered Dedication talent spell ID 387814 - buff spell ID 387815
Shining Righteousness talent spell ID 414443 - buff spell ID 414444 - buff spell id after you got 5 stacks 414445
Awakening talent spell ID 414195 - buff spell ID 414196 - once judgment gets a proc buff ID 414193, can have both at the same time
Rising Sunlight talent spell ID 414203 buff spell id 414204

Premade auras > Paladin > Holy > Cooldowns


Bestow Faith - removed from the game
Rule of Law - removed from the game


Hand of Divinity talent spell ID 414273
Daybreak talent spell ID 414170


Thanks a lot, that's some very good research.

We do have some automatic collection method that unfortunately sometimes picks up buffs like "Word of a Worthy Ally", and apparently this wasn't caught when we added the templates. There are simply too many specs to do that manually, unfortunately it can't be done fully automatically.

You wrote that we needed to add "Unending Light " to the buff section, but as far as I can tell it was already there.