


Item set equipped Trigger 1 aura_env.states[1].show returning true

oriwitt opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Is there an existing issue for this?

  • I have searched the existing open and closed issues.


Trigger 1 aura_env.states[1].show returning true when the condition in Trigger 1 (4 set Triumphant Velen's Regalia) is not met. I expect output to equal false however output is true

WeakAuras Version

Weakauras 5.6.0

World of Warcraft Flavor

Wrath of the Lich King Classic

World of Warcraft Region


Tested with only WeakAuras

  • Yes

Lua Error

No error, just incorrect output

Reproduction Steps

New WA Display Text %c
Update Custom text on Trigger update
Custom Function
function ()

Trigger 1
Type Item > Item Set Equipped
Checked Item Set ID 142
Checked >= 4

Last Good Version



No response

Export String


We don't have anyone playing Classic atm, though I've tested the aura and the trigger seems to work as exptected. I do not know why you care about aura_env.states[1].show's content. But obviously that print will only be executed when the trigger is active and thus can only ever print true.


I'm using it as a conditional for logic in the actual WA, the sample posted was the most distilled example of this 'bug' I could find. In Display > Custom Function there is code for other trigger types that work as (I think?) is intended ie. local crit_damage = 1+((1.5) * (aura_env.states[7].show and 1.03 or 1) - 1) * (aura_env.states[6].show and 2 or 1) give I think a correct true value when true and false or nil when false. Am I not correctly understanding the intended function of the item set equipped trigger?


Well it wasn't a good example. If you are asking how things work, you are wrong to do so in a bug tracker.


Excuse me for being ignorant. Afaik it was a bug, the issue was raised in discord and Asakawa suggested a lodge a ticket. As it turns out the issue was a negative item ID being used in the item ID input which I had gleaned from the suggested wowhead.com/wotlk/item-sets page. As I was interested only in the 245 or 258 versions I neglected to consider the correct item set ID to use was 849 from the ilevel 232 set. Perhaps I can suggest the instructions or documentation reflect these steps required more clearly. Thank you but the issue is now resolved