


Hiding the glow of an external element is not working

nookthanx opened this issue · 1 comments


Is there an existing issue for this?

  • I have searched the existing open and closed issues.


let's say I am making a proc glow condition for an external element (action button) to be shown at 3 seconds left on the buff and no matter what condition I will make to hide it (e.g. leaving combat or buff expiration) the button remain glowing forever. It's hidden only on /reload or when you press it again so the buff is activated

WeakAuras Version


World of Warcraft Flavor

Retail (Default)

World of Warcraft Region


Tested with only WeakAuras

  • Yes

Lua Error

No response

Reproduction Steps

  1. Create a trigger for any buff which is activated by pressing an ability (in my case it's id268877)
  2. Create 1st condition for it to trigger a glow of an external element (action button) when 3 seconds remains of the buff
  3. Create 2nd condition to hide this glow on action button at no buff available or at >3 seconds of the buff

Last Good Version

No response



Export String


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This is not a bug, let me explain

Condition 4: trigger 1; Aura Active = false => hide glow
conditions are not evaluated when the aura is not active, so this condition is never run

Condition 3: trigger 1; Aura Remaining Duration > 3 => hide glow
when an aura apply a glow, a key for this glow is saved internally for this clone/state
this key is lost when aura is not active
this condition is evaluated before any glow is applied and current state of the aura doesn't know about previously applied glows

This is why there is an option in action tab called Hide Glows applied by this aura, this is evaluated when aura hide, before glow's key is lost