


WeakAuras stopped working altogether after updating

Hayleqwyn opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Is there an existing issue for this?

  • I have searched the existing open and closed issues.


I just updated my WA to the latest version and it stopped working. The window to edit my auras won't open and none of them are working anymore. The referenced section of the indicated file is in the attached screenshot.

WeakAuras Version


World of Warcraft Flavor

Retail (Default)

World of Warcraft Region


Tested with only WeakAuras

  • Yes

Lua Error

12x WeakAuras/SubRegionTypes/SubText.lua:206: bad argument #3 to 'SetFont' (Usage: self:SetFont(fontFile, height, flags))
[string "=[C]"]: in function `SetFont'
[string "@WeakAuras/SubRegionTypes/SubText.lua"]:206: in function `modify'
[string "@WeakAuras/RegionTypes/RegionPrototype.lua"]:601: in function `modifyFinish'
[string "@WeakAuras/RegionTypes/AuraBar.lua"]:1422: in function `modify'
[string "@WeakAuras/WeakAuras.lua"]:3167: in function `SetRegion'
[string "@WeakAuras/WeakAuras.lua"]:3255: in function <WeakAuras/WeakAuras.lua:3218>
[string "@WeakAuras/WeakAuras.lua"]:3273: in function `EnsureRegion'
[string "@WeakAuras/AuraEnvironment.lua"]:343: in function `ActivateAuraEnvironment'
[string "@WeakAuras/GenericTrigger.lua"]:3840: in function <WeakAuras/GenericTrigger.lua:3805>
[string "=(tail call)"]: ?
[string "@WeakAuras/WeakAuras.lua"]:3715: in function <WeakAuras/WeakAuras.lua:3697>
[string "=(tail call)"]: ?
[string "@WeakAuras/WeakAuras.lua"]:3802: in function `GetOverlayInfo'
[string "@WeakAuras/RegionTypes/AuraBar.lua"]:158: in function `propertiesFunction'
[string "@WeakAuras/Conditions.lua"]:562: in function `GetProperties'
[string "@WeakAuras/Conditions.lua"]:710: in function <WeakAuras/Conditions.lua:661>
[string "@WeakAuras/Conditions.lua"]:769: in function `LoadConditionFunction'
[string "@WeakAuras/WeakAuras.lua"]:3032: in function <WeakAuras/WeakAuras.lua:2921>
[string "@WeakAuras/WeakAuras.lua"]:3089: in function `Add'
[string "@WeakAuras/WeakAuras.lua"]:2547: in function `AddMany'
[string "@WeakAuras/WeakAuras.lua"]:1193: in function <WeakAuras/WeakAuras.lua:1164>

[string "@WeakAuras/WeakAuras.lua"]:1316: in function <WeakAuras/WeakAuras.lua:1267>

self = Frame {
 0 = <userdata>
event = "PLAYER_LOGIN"
addon = nil
dbIsValid = true
takeNewSnapshots = true
ADDON_NAME = "WeakAuras"
db = <table> {
 dynamicIconCache = <table> {
 editor_tab_spaces = 4
 editor_font_size = 12
 dbVersion = 69
 login_squelch_time = 10
 lastArchiveClear = 1585632414
 minimap = <table> {
 lastUpgrade = 1698357575
 personalRessourceDisplayFrame = <table> {
 clearOldHistory = 30
 registered = <table> {
 displays = <table> {
 RealTimeProfilingWindow = <table> {
 editor_theme = "Monokai"
Private = <table> {
 HandleGlowAction = <function> defined @WeakAuras/WeakAuras.lua:3549
 frame_strata_types = <table> {
 DisplayToString = <function> defined @WeakAuras/Transmission.lua:350
 combat_event_type = <table> {
 regions = <table> {
 frameLevels = <table> {
 CheckItemSlotCooldowns = <function> defined @WeakAuras/GenericTrigger.lua:2920
 InitializeEncounterAndZoneLists = <function> defined @WeakAuras/Types_Retail.lua:10
 IsEnvironmentInitialized = <function> defined @WeakAuras/AuraEnvironment.lua:208
 form_types = <table> {
 CleanArchive = <function> defined @WeakAuras/History.lua:22
 RunConditions = <function> defined @WeakAuras/Conditions.lua:775
 tooltip_count = <table> {
 SmoothStatusBarMixin = <table> {
 pet_spec_types = <table> {
 regionOptions = <table> {
 get_zoneId_list = <function> defined @WeakAuras/Types_Retail.lua:72
 checkForSingleLoadCondition = <function> defined @WeakAuras/Prototypes.lua:1169
 author_option_classes = <table> {
 grid_types = <table> {
 non_transmissable_fields = <table> {
 absorb_modes = <table> {
 combatlog_spell_school_types_for_ui = <table> {
 miss_types = <table> {
 CancelDelayedTrigger = <function> defined @WeakAuras/GenericTrigger.lua:908
 centered_types_h = <table> {
 ensurePRDFrame = <function> defined @WeakAuras/WeakAuras.lua:5184
 talent_types = <table> {
 LoadFunction = <function> defined @WeakAuras/AuraEnvironment.lua:660
 reset_swing_spells = <table> {
 circular_group_constant_factor_types = <table> {
 player_target_events = <table> {
 GetTalentData = <function> defined @WeakAuras/Types_Retail.lua:185
 subRegionTypes = <table> {
 UnregisterAllEveryFrameUpdate = <function> defined @WeakAuras/GenericTrigger.lua:1801
 array_entry_name_types = <table> {
 combatlog_spell_school_types = <table> {
 StringToTable = <function> defined @WeakAuras/Transmission.lua:294
 RegisterLoadEvents = <function> defined @WeakAuras/WeakAuras.lua:1831
 FixGroupChildrenOrderForGroup = <function> defined @WeakAuras/WeakAuras.lua:4053
 blend_types = <table> {
 text_automatic_width = <table> {
 EnforceSubregionExists = <function> defined @WeakAuras/RegionTypes/RegionPrototype.lua:969
 CheckSpellCooldown = <function> defined @WeakAuras/GenericTrigger.lua:2797
 custom_trigger_types = <table> {
 group_types = <table> {
 subRegionOptions = <table> {
 text_rotate_types = <table> {
 spec_types = <table> {
 anim_ease_types = <table> {
 item_slot_types = <table> {
 multiUnitUnits = <table> {
 anim_color_types = <table> {
 loaded = <table> {
 Convert = <function> defined @WeakAuras/WeakAuras.lua:2201
 sound_channel_types = <table> {
 CheckCooldownReady = <function> defined @WeakAuras/GenericTrigger.lua:2977
 event_prototypes = <table> {
 CanHaveDuration = <function> defined @WeakAuras/WeakAuras.lua:3697
 NeedToRepairDatabase = <function> defined @WeakAuras/WeakAuras.lua:2278
 AtlasList = <table> {
 StopProfileSystem = <function> defined @WeakAuras/Init.lua:524
 classification_types = <table> {
 unit_types_bufftrigger_2 = <table> {
 CheckSpellCooldows = <func

Reproduction Steps

No steps. It just isn't working now.

Last Good Version

No response


No response

Export String

No response
