


Request [TTS+Chat Say Spam]

G1ZMO opened this issue · 1 comments


Hi guys, can you make the code work from the second screenshot I provided?

The thing is that when the code is triggered, I would like a person to have a chat message spammed in /SAY over his head for “X” specified time (Now we don’t have such an opportunity, he will simply say 1 time without repeating the message), and also for this to play a TextToSpeech sound alert for him. Unfortunately, the function via Custom -> C_VoiceChat.SpeakText(1, "%position", Enum.VoiceTtsDestination.QueuedLocalPlayback, 0, 85)

"%position" is not detected this way.



It might be difficult to implement anyway, but I would just like to clarify why %position is not determined by this command in Custom Code?

The difficulty with my appeal is that we only have 1 choice, "On Show". Either send 1 chat message or select TextToSpeech. But it is important for me to have two functions at the same time, but we can only choose one of them.


Maybe we could expand the "On Show" option to two options simultaneously?
And add, if possible, “Repeat Text "/Say" for X seconds.”


This is a bug tracker, not a way to ask for basic help with custom. In your case you probably want aura_env.state.position.
For these kind of questions the discord is a better place.

Multiple text actions is probably niche enough that having to use custom text is ok. As to repeatable actions, there's a ticket open for that: #1080 though I don't think anyone has any plans atm to implement that.