


Coloring Spike for Profiling

Silvereyes1372 opened this issue ยท 8 comments


Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
From time to time, people ask on Discord to read their profiling, and a lot of white lines may be confusing. Usually, people answer by "remove everything with a spike greater than 2 or 3."

Describe the solution you'd like
A non-ChatGPT-generated code to color the spike based on the value, something like:
0 to 2 [green gradient to yellow]
2-3 [orange to red]
3+ [red]

Describe alternatives you've considered

Changing this function in profiling.lua

local function PrintOneProfile(popup, name, map, total)
  if map.count ~= 0 then
    popup:AddText(name .. "  ERROR: count is not zero:" .. " " .. map.count)

  local percent = ""
  if total then
    percent = ", " .. string.format("%.2f", 100 * map.elapsed / total) .. "%"

  local spikeInfo = ""
  if map.spike then
    local color
    if map.spike < 2 then
      color = string.format("|cff%02x%02x00", 255 * map.spike / 2, 255) 		 --smooth color gradient from green to yellow  for values 0 to 2
    elseif map.spike >= 2 and map.spike < 3 then
      color = string.format("|cffff%02x00", 255 * (map.spike - 2) / (3 - 2)) 	 --smooth color gradient from orange to red for values 2 to 3
      color = "|cffff0000" 														 -- Red for values 3 and above

    spikeInfo = string.format("%s(%.2fms)|r", color, map.spike)
    spikeInfo = "" --handle no map.spike

  popup:AddText(string.format("%s |cff999999%.2fms%s %s|r", name, map.elapsed, percent, spikeInfo))

Additional context


looks fine to me. you could be a "bit" smarter & highlight times that are statistical outliers rather than just ones that are above an arbitrary threshold, but that might not actually be smarter

since you already have the changes, feel free to open a pull request :)


Oh, as a side note, linear interpolation through RGB color space can produce intermediate colors that look kind of muddy. Consider interpolating through HSV space instead:

function WeakAuras.GetHSVTransition(perc, r1, g1, b1, a1, r2, g2, b2, a2)


Oh, as a side note, linear interpolation through RGB color space can produce intermediate colors that look kind of muddy. Consider interpolating through HSV space instead:

function WeakAuras.GetHSVTransition(perc, r1, g1, b1, a1, r2, g2, b2, a2)

Ok I dont really know what i'm doing , but after multiple trial and error I'v got this with chatgpt and it works, does it looks fine to you ?

local function PrintOneProfile(popup, name, map, total)
  if map.count ~= 0 then
    popup:AddText(name .. "  ERROR: count is not zero:" .. " " .. map.count)

  local percent = ""
  if total then
    percent = ", " .. string.format("%.2f", 100 * map.elapsed / total) .. "%"

  local spikeInfo = ""
  if map.spike then
    local color
    local r, g, b, a

    if map.spike < 2 then
      r, g, b, a = WeakAuras.GetHSVTransition(map.spike / 2, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1)
    elseif map.spike >= 2 and map.spike < 3 then
      r, g, b, a = WeakAuras.GetHSVTransition((map.spike - 2) , 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0.65, 0, 1)
      r, g, b, a = WeakAuras.GetHSVTransition(1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1)

    color = string.format("|cff%02x%02x%02x", r * 255, g * 255, b * 255)
    spikeInfo = string.format("%s(%.2fms)|r", color, map.spike)
    spikeInfo = "" --handle no map.spike

  popup:AddText(string.format("%s |cff999999%.2fms%s %s|r", name, map.elapsed, percent, spikeInfo))



As for the pull request , I'm sorry i dont know how to do that.


As for the pull request , I'm sorry i dont know how to do that.

https://docs.github.com/articles/creating-a-pull-request explains how to do it

basically, clone repository to your account, make the change on your repository, then github let you open a pull request


I've downloaded an app (GitHub Desktop). I think I've cloned the main branch or something. I made the changes, but now where should I click?

I tried "Repository > Pull," but it doesn't work. Should I click on "Commit to main"?

Pull request


I don't use the app and can't tell what to click, but as i said you have to clone/fork to your own account, edit your own clone, then make PR


k I'll check. ty