


Sharing a WA with someone on a connected realm results in "Error not receiving display information"

jungheeMW opened this issue ยท 9 comments


Is there an existing issue for this?

  • I have searched the existing open and closed issues.


When attempting to accept a WA on someone on a connected realm, it results in an "Error not receiving display information". The WeakAura itself is functional.

This error only occurs when trying to accept a WA linked in the chat window, from someone on a connected realm (i.e. Gilneas to Elune).

  • It does NOT occur when importing via an import string.
  • It does NOT occur when accepting a WA linked in the chat window by someone on the same realm.
  • It does NOT occur when accepting a WA linked in the chat window by someone on a different, non-connected realm.

WeakAuras Version


World of Warcraft Flavor

Retail (Default)

World of Warcraft Region


Tested with only WeakAuras

I got this issue with only WeakAuras enabled

Lua Error

No response

Reproduction Steps

  1. Make a WeakAura
  2. Link the WeakAura in the chat window. Make sure the other person is in the same party, and on a different realm connected to yours.
  3. Have the other person click the link in the chat window in order to accept your WeakAura.
  4. In the case of the sample WA provided below, a character on the realms (Azjol-Nerub, Blackrock, Muradin, Nordrassil) can be created to accept a WA linked in the chat window by a character on Khaz Modan. The error should occur then.

Last Good Version

Do not know


WA error

Export String


Bisector Report

No response


It's far too late in the night to find a victim volunteer to troubleshoot this, but I suspect I have a fix: try installing this build of WA (on both ends), see if it helps.


Right, so this is probably blizzard's fault. With any luck, they'll get around to fixing that regression and we won't have to do any workarounds, but who knows with blizzard really.


Hmm but the link seems to imply that only whispers are affected, and not party/raid chat? Should I test the latter again?


Where you post the aura does not affect where the addon communicatin happens. So yes please test.


Tested again to confirm. Works fine in party/raid chat on non-connected realms. Fails in party/raid chat with connected realms.


click the link in the chat window

which kind of chat are you using? party? raid? guild? (battlenet) whisper?


Whisper and party are the ones I've tried, and both do not work.


I tested the change that rivers proposed and can confirm that it does indeed fix the problem. So I have to assume something went wrong in your testing. The next release should fix this problem, and sharing simple auras should work. If with the next release sharing simple auras doesn't work, please report back.

(Note that there are other problems with sharing bigger auras atm due to changes blizzard has made to addon communication.)


Thank you.

Sorry, I did not test the change from emptyrivers as I assumed it was a Blizzard issue. But I am happy to know that it will be fixed in an upcoming release.