


Edit Mode for WeakAuras

emptyrivers opened this issue ยท 3 comments


I've had this idea percolating in my head for a while. Probably past time to put it on paper where others can see it.

This is IMO very intuitive & easy to use. Easily one of the best UI innovations from blizzard. Some of the ideas are already in use (e.g. the grid snapping is very similar to our "Magnetically Align" toggle). We should crib more of the ideas in here.


There's this library, it might be worth looking into for aiding implementation.

I'm imagining this especially, as a kind of supercharged Hybrid Sort on dynamic groups:

  • user can create Anchors A, B, C, etc. Child Auras can be plonked into anchors arbitrarily. There's a hint of that idea in #3094, actually - custom distribute code can place children on multiple distinct anchor points.
  • These anchors can be moved around visually on the screen, in the same way that Edit Mode Works. They can glom onto each other, or onto other groups or grid lines, or theoretically anything else in that edit mode. We could crib much of the logic that Edit Mode uses to cleanly resolve the anchor chain (to the user, it "just works" which I find very impressive).
  • Anchor A could display auras in a line. Anchor B might display auras up to $MAX total auras, while the remaining 'cascade' into B_2, which displays also auras in a line, but offest & scaled down compared to Anchor B. Anchor C might clone itself onto nameplates, and distribute its children amongst the clones of itself (this is also an idea cribbed from #3094).

Something to consider is that Edit Mode doesn't exist on Classic SOD & Classic Cataclysm


This would actually be a great Edition and solle the same issues naemesis and reloe have been trying to solle with their anchor auras. One thing that would be useful would be reusing auras automagically. What I mean with that is prob the most Common auratypes are class auras and bossmod type auras. Two possible solutions i can think of right now:
1: There could be some default anchor of those Popular types that authors could reuse

2: Authors could export anchor definitions with their aura packs that could then be reused by authors talking about a standard. This is prob best explained on an example: Causes creates raidpack 1 that has anchor definition warning, highlight and emphasized. These anchors get created on import(if they dont exist already) or just use the present ones. Then for raid 2 I decide to use relios pack that defines anchors warning and cool down. The warning would immediately be matched while cool down anchor would need to be created. Unsure if this should be by name or Id or something.


well then classic can just slum it with AceConfigDialog