


Mouseovering "Display text" text fields is sometimes throwing errors on beta

Zac-oihfdwrrtuinvbcp opened this issue · 0 comments


Is there an existing issue for this?

  • I have searched the existing open and closed issues.


Mouseovering these "display texts" text fields does not show the tooltip with certain triggers (This particular one is a Player/Unit info with player health selected)

WeakAuras Version


World of Warcraft Flavor

Beta (WoW 11.0)

World of Warcraft Region


Tested with only WeakAuras

I got this issue with only WeakAuras enabled

Lua Error

34x WeakAuras/GenericTrigger.lua:4401: attempt to concatenate local 'ret' (a table value)
[string "@WeakAuras/GenericTrigger.lua"]:4401: in function `GetAdditionalProperties'
[string "@WeakAuras/WeakAuras.lua"]:3840: in function `GetAdditionalProperties'
[string "@WeakAurasOptions/SubRegionOptions/SubText.lua"]:53: in function `member'
[string "@MouseoverActionSettings/Libs/AceConfig-3.0-3/AceConfigDialog-3.0-86/AceConfigDialog-3.0.lua"]:215: in function <...nfig-3.0/AceConfigDialog-3.0/AceConfigDialog-3.0.lua:164>
[string "@MouseoverActionSettings/Libs/AceConfig-3.0-3/AceConfigDialog-3.0-86/AceConfigDialog-3.0.lua"]:514: in function <...nfig-3.0/AceConfigDialog-3.0/AceConfigDialog-3.0.lua:495>
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "@MouseoverActionSettings/Libs/AceGUI-3.0-41/AceGUI-3.0.lua"]:66: in function <...useoverActionSettings/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/AceGUI-3.0.lua:64>
[string "@MouseoverActionSettings/Libs/AceGUI-3.0-41/AceGUI-3.0.lua"]:300: in function `Fire'
[string "@MouseoverActionSettings/Libs/AceGUI-3.0-41/widgets/AceGUIWidget-EditBox.lua"]:51: in function <...ngs/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIWidget-EditBox.lua:50>

data = <table> {
 sparkWidth = 10
 iconSource = -1
 xOffset = 0
 yOffset = 0
 anchorPoint = "CENTER"
 sparkRotation = 0
 sparkRotationMode = "AUTO"
 icon = false
 triggers = <table> {
 icon_color = <table> {
 internalVersion = 74
 progressSource = <table> {
 selfPoint = "CENTER"
 barColor = <table> {
 desaturate = false
 sparkOffsetY = 0
 subRegions = <table> {
 height = 15
 textureSource = "LSM"
 load = <table> {
 sparkBlendMode = "ADD"
 useAdjustededMax = false
 anchorFrameType = "SCREEN"
 gradientOrientation = "HORIZONTAL"
 barColor2 = <table> {
 backgroundColor = <table> {
 actions = <table> {
 useAdjustededMin = false
 regionType = "aurabar"
 sparkOffsetX = 0
 config = <table> {
 icon_side = "RIGHT"
 sparkColor = <table> {
 sparkHeight = 30
 texture = "d1"
 sparkHidden = "NEVER"
 sparkTexture = "Interface\CastingBar\UI-CastingBar-Spark"
 spark = false
 frameStrata = 1
 id = "New"
 zoom = 0
 alpha = 1
 width = 200
 authorOptions = <table> {
 uid = "wOnHMdijrhS"
 inverse = false
 enableGradient = false
 orientation = "HORIZONTAL"
 conditions = <table> {
 information = <table> {
 animation = <table> {
triggernum = 1
trigger = <table> {
 type = "unit"
 use_absorbHealMode = true
 subeventSuffix = "_CAST_START"
 use_absorbMode = true
 event = "Health"
 subeventPrefix = "SPELL"
 spellIds = <table> {
 use_unit = true
 names = <table> {
 unit = "player"
 debuffType = "HELPFUL"
ret = <table> {
 1 = ""
prototype = <table> {
 type = "unit"
 includePets = "true"
 automaticrequired = true
 statesParameter = "unit"
 args = <table> {
 overlayFuncs = <table> {
 name = "Health"
 progressType = "static"
(for state) = <table> {
 1 = <table> {
 2 = <table> {
 3 = <table> {
 4 = <table> {
 5 = <table> {
 6 = <table> {
 7 = <table> {
 8 = <table> {
 9 = <table> {
 10 = <table> {
 11 = <table> {
 12 = <table> {
 13 = <table> {
 14 = <table> {
 15 = <table> {
 16 = <table> {
 17 = <table> {
 18 = <table> {
 19 = <table> {
 20 = <table> {
 21 = <table> {
 22 = <table> {
 23 = <table> {
 24 = <table> {
 25 = <table> {
 26 = <table> {
 27 = <table> {
 28 = <table> {
 29 = <table> {
 30 = <table> {
 31 = <table> {
 32 = <table> {
 33 = <table> {
 34 = <table> {
 35 = <table> {
 36 = <table> {
 37 = <table> {
(for control) = 1
_ = 1
v = <table> {
 type = "unit"
 required = true
 init = "arg"
 desc = "• |cff00ff00Player|r, |cff00ff00Target|r, |cff00ff00Focus|r, and |cff00ff00Pet|r correspond directly to those individual unitIDs.
• |cff00ff00Specific Unit|r lets you provide a specific valid unitID to watch.
|cffff0000Note|r: The game will not fire events for all valid unitIDs, making some untrackable by this trigger.
• |cffffff00Party|r, |cffffff00Raid|r, |cffffff00Boss|r, |cffffff00Arena|r, and |cffffff00Nameplate|r can match multiple corresponding unitIDs.
• |cffffff00Smart Group|r adjusts to your current group type, matching just the "player" when solo, "party" units (including "player") in a party or "raid" units in a raid.

|cffffff00*|r Yellow Unit settings will create clones for each matching unit while this trigger is providing Dynamic Info to the Aura."
 name = "unit"
 display = "Unit"
 test = "true"
 store = true
 values = "actual_unit_types_cast"
enable = true
(*temporary) = <table> {
 1 = ""
(*temporary) = "|cFFFFCC00%1.unit|r - Unit
(*temporary) = "1"
(*temporary) = "."
(*temporary) = "unit"
(*temporary) = "|r - "
(*temporary) = "Unit"
(*temporary) = "
(*temporary) = "attempt to concatenate local 'ret' (a table value)"
GenericTrigger = <table> {
L = <table> {
 No Instance = "No Instance"
 Scenario = "Scenario"
 Destination Reaction = "Destination Reaction"
 Dragonriding = "Dragonriding"
 Threat Value = "Threat Value"
 A 48x48 pixels icon = "A 48x48 pixels icon"
 Stacks = "Stacks"
 130 total auras = "130 total auras"
 Aura(s) Missing = "Aura(s) Missing"
 Raid = "Raid"
 Player Level = "Player Level"
 Use tooltip "size" instead of stacks = "Use

Reproduction Steps

  1. Create any aura with a trigger player/unit info, select health, (its not the only one throwing errors)
  2. mouseover the display texts area

Last Good Version

No response


No response

Export String


Bisector Report

No response