


11.0 Lua error when tracking spell cooldown

JeeveStobs opened this issue ยท 7 comments


Is there an existing issue for this?

  • I have searched the existing open and closed issues.


Starting in 11.0 the following lua error is thrown when tracking a spell cooldown.

WeakAuras Version


World of Warcraft Flavor

Retail (Default)

World of Warcraft Region


Tested with only WeakAuras

I got this issue with only WeakAuras enabled

Lua Error

Message: Lua error in aura 'Flurry Usable': Trigger 2
WeakAuras Version: 5.15.2
bad argument #1 to '?' (not a numerical value - Usage: local inRange = C_SpellBook.IsSpellBookItemInRange(spellBookItem [, targetUnit]))
Time: Wed Jul 24 13:33:37 2024
Count: 54
Stack: Lua error in aura 'Flurry Usable': Trigger 2
WeakAuras Version: 5.15.2
bad argument #1 to '?' (not a numerical value - Usage: local inRange = C_SpellBook.IsSpellBookItemInRange(spellBookItem [, targetUnit]))
[string "@Interface/AddOns/WeakAuras/GenericTrigger.lua"]:702: in function <Interface/AddOns/WeakAuras/GenericTrigger.lua:625>
[string "@Interface/AddOns/WeakAuras/GenericTrigger.lua"]:897: in function `ScanEventsInternal'
[string "@Interface/AddOns/WeakAuras/GenericTrigger.lua"]:842: in function `ScanEvents'
[string "@Interface/AddOns/WeakAuras/GenericTrigger.lua"]:1854: in function <Interface/AddOns/WeakAuras/GenericTrigger.lua:1852>

Locals: allStates = <table> {
  = <table> {
data = <table> {
 statesParameter = "one"
 trigger = <table> {
 event = "Range Check"
 prototype = <table> {
 events = <table> {
 subevents = <table> {
id = "Flurry Usable"
triggernum = 2
event = "FRAME_UPDATE"
arg1 = 0.028000
arg2 = nil
optionsEvent = false
updateTriggerState = false
unitForUnitTrigger = nil
cloneIdForUnitTrigger = nil
untriggerCheck = false
state = <table> {
ok = nil
returnValue = nil
Private = <table> {
 frame_strata_types = <table> {
 combat_event_type = <table> {
 regions = <table> {
 frameLevels = <table> {
 form_types = <table> {
 tooltip_count = <table> {
 SmoothStatusBarMixin = <table> {
 pet_spec_types = <table> {
 regionOptions = <table> {
 author_option_classes = <table> {
 grid_types = <table> {
 regionTypes = <table> {
 absorb_modes = <table> {
 combatlog_spell_school_types_for_ui = <table> {
 centered_types_h = <table> {
 talent_types = <table> {
 reset_swing_spells = <table> {
 spec_types_all = <table> {
 player_target_events = <table> {
 subRegionTypes = <table> {
 array_entry_name_types = <table> {
 combatlog_spell_school_types = <table> {
 talentInfoByNodeId = <table> {
 text_automatic_width = <table> {
 custom_trigger_types = <table> {
 group_types = <table> {
 subRegionOptions = <table> {
 text_rotate_types = <table> {
 spec_types = <table> {
 anim_ease_types = <table> {
 group_member_types = <table> {
 multiUnitUnits = <table> {
 anim_color_types = <table> {
 loaded = <table> {
 sound_channel_types = <table> {
 event_prototypes = <table> {
 AtlasList = <table> {
 classification_types = <table> {
 unit_types_bufftrigger_2 = <table> {
 TocToExpansion = <table> {
 noreset_swing_spells = <table> {
 bufftrigger_progress_behavior_types = <table> {
 author_option_media_controls = <table> {
 chat_message_types = <table> {
 precision_types = <table> {
 pvp_talent_types_specific = <table> {
 item_weapon_types = <table> {
 grow_types = <table> {
 frames = <table> {
 trigger_modes = <table> {
 category_event_prototype = <table> {
 dynamic_texts = <table> {
 character_types = <table> {
 orientation_types = <table> {
 db = <table> {
 difficulty_info = <table> {
 aura_types = <table> {
 icon_side_types = <table> {
 align_types = <table> {
 main_spell_schools = <table> {
 talentInfo = <table> {
 include_pets_types = <table> {
 barmodels = <table> {
 charges_change_condition_type = <table> {
 Features = <table> {
 check_types = <table> {
 anim_presets = <table> {
 anim_scale_types = <table> {
 group_aura_name_info_types = <table> {
 FrameTick = <table> {
 unit_color_types = <table> {
 weapon_types = <table> {
 actual_unit_types = <table> {
 environmental_types = <table> {
 orientation_with_circle_types = <table> {
 spec_types_3 = <table> {
 AuraEnvironmentWrappedSystem = <table> {
 anim_types = <table> {

Reproduction Steps

Track a spell CD, use it, then error is triggered.

Last Good Version

No response


No response

Export String

No response

Bisector Report

No response


If you love that, I don't want to hear from you again.


Range Check isn't a custom trigger.
Nice work marking this as complete though.


That issue has been fixed already for the next release.


Nice, so I was right you were wrong. Love it!


The bug is in your aura "Flurry Usable': Trigger 2", which is using custom code that no longer works.


The bug report didn't even include the aura that caused the problem, even though the issue template asks you too. And the error report clearly marked it. Which made me waste time with a wrong assumption.

Thankfully there are tools to prevent that from happening in the future.


LMAO! Better make WA closed source then.