


Global Call 'GetSpellInfo' Error with 11.0.2 update

Starlynk1 opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Is there an existing issue for this?

  • I have searched the existing open and closed issues.


Expected to work as intended before the update today.

After update, got the following error with 3 different parts of my WA. Each had the same error with the GetSpellInfo.

WeakAuras Version

WeakAuras 5.15.4

World of Warcraft Flavor

Retail (Default)

World of Warcraft Region


Tested with only WeakAuras

I got this issue with only WeakAuras enabled

Lua Error

3x Lua error in aura 'Base Missing Glow': init
WeakAuras Version: 5.15.4
Aura Version: 1.0.2
[string "return function() aura_env.ignore = {"]:18: attempt to call global 'GetSpellInfo' (a nil value)
[string "return function() aura_env.ignore = {"]:18: in function <[string "return function() aura_env.ignore = {"]:1>
[string "=[C]"]: in function `xpcall'
[string "@WeakAuras/AuraEnvironment.lua"]:374: in function `ActivateAuraEnvironment'
[string "@WeakAuras/GenericTrigger.lua"]:1080: in function `ScanWithFakeEvent'
[string "@WeakAuras/GenericTrigger.lua"]:1439: in function `LoadDisplays'
[string "@WeakAuras/WeakAuras.lua"]:2037: in function `LoadDisplays'
[string "@WeakAuras/WeakAuras.lua"]:1819: in function <WeakAuras/WeakAuras.lua:1663>
[string "@WeakAuras/WeakAuras.lua"]:1862: in function `ScanForLoads'
[string "@WeakAuras/WeakAuras.lua"]:1932: in function <WeakAuras/WeakAuras.lua:1930>

(for state) = <table> {
 1 = <table> {
 2 = <table> {
 3 = <table> {
 4 = <table> {
(for control) = 1
_ = 1
spell = <table> {
 name = "Agony"
 spellId = 980
id = 980
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = 980
(*temporary) = "attempt to call global 'GetSpellInfo' (a nil value)"

Reproduction Steps

Install Weakaura 'Affliction DoT Tracker'

I did check the WA for custom code that used GetSpellInfo, it did not have any that I could find.

Last Good Version

No response


No response

Export String

No response

Bisector Report

No response


That is an error with your aura, not WeakAuras itself. See the first line for the name.


Hit the same issue.
Some deprecated APIs are moved from the global scope so you have to update your auras.