


Error when swaping triggers while condition changes progress source

m33shoq opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Is there an existing issue for this?

  • I have searched the existing open and closed issues.


If WA has condition which changes progress source to something specific like Time since stack lost swaping triggers results in error

WeakAuras Version


World of Warcraft Flavor

Beta (WoW 11.0)

World of Warcraft Region


Tested with only WeakAuras

I got this issue with only WeakAuras enabled

Lua Error

1x WeakAurasOptions/ConditionOptions.lua:669: attempt to index local 'progressSource' (a nil value)
[string "@WeakAurasOptions/ConditionOptions.lua"]:669: in function `member'
[string "@WeakAurasOptions/Libs/AceConfig-3.0-3/AceConfigDialog-3.0-87/AceConfigDialog-3.0.lua"]:215: in function <...nfig-3.0/AceConfigDialog-3.0/AceConfigDialog-3.0.lua:164>
[string "=(tail call)"]: ?
[string "@WeakAurasOptions/Libs/AceConfig-3.0-3/AceConfigDialog-3.0-87/AceConfigDialog-3.0.lua"]:1123: in function <...nfig-3.0/AceConfigDialog-3.0/AceConfigDialog-3.0.lua:1113>
[string "@WeakAurasOptions/Libs/AceConfig-3.0-3/AceConfigDialog-3.0-87/AceConfigDialog-3.0.lua"]:1642: in function `FeedGroup'
[string "@WeakAurasOptions/Libs/AceConfig-3.0-3/AceConfigDialog-3.0-87/AceConfigDialog-3.0.lua"]:1922: in function `Open'
[string "@WeakAurasOptions/OptionsFrames/OptionsFrame.lua"]:1076: in function `FillOptions'
[string "@WeakAurasOptions/OptionsFrames/OptionsFrame.lua"]:1073: in function <...dOns/WeakAurasOptions/OptionsFrames/OptionsFrame.lua:1071>
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "@WeakAurasOptions/Libs/AceGUI-3.0-41/AceGUI-3.0.lua"]:66: in function <...dOns/WeakAurasOptions/Libs/AceGUI-3.0/AceGUI-3.0.lua:64>
[string "@WeakAurasOptions/Libs/AceGUI-3.0-41/AceGUI-3.0.lua"]:300: in function `Fire'
[string "@WeakAurasOptions/Libs/AceGUI-3.0-41/widgets/AceGUIContainer-TabGroup.lua"]:342: in function `SelectTab'
[string "@WeakAurasOptions/Libs/AceGUI-3.0-41/widgets/AceGUIContainer-TabGroup.lua"]:200: in function <...Libs/AceGUI-3.0/widgets/AceGUIContainer-TabGroup.lua:197>

v = <table> {
 1 = 1
 2 = "stackLostTime"
progressSource = nil
(*temporary) = <table> {
 iconSource = -1
 color = <table> {
 adjustedMax = ""
 adjustedMin = ""
 yOffset = 0
 anchorPoint = "CENTER"
 cooldownSwipe = true
 cooldownEdge = false
 icon = true
 triggers = <table> {
 internalVersion = 75
 progressSource = <table> {
 selfPoint = "CENTER"
 desaturate = false
 subRegions = <table> {
 height = 64
 load = <table> {
 useAdjustededMax = false
 useAdjustededMin = false
 regionType = "icon"
 cooldown = true
 width = 64
 animation = <table> {
 xOffset = 0
 keepAspectRatio = false
 zoom = 0
 useCooldownModRate = true
 authorOptions = <table> {
 id = "New 9"
 cooldownTextDisabled = false
 alpha = 1
 anchorFrameType = "SCREEN"
 frameStrata = 1
 config = <table> {
 inverse = false
 actions = <table> {
 conditions = <table> {
 information = <table> {
 uid = "2YofK1dE8ED"
(*temporary) = 1
(*temporary) = "attempt to index local 'progressSource' (a nil value)"
conditions = <table> {
 1 = <table> {
i = 1
j = 1
OptionsPrivate = <table> {
 expanderAnchors = <table> {
 savedVars = <table> {
 commonOptionsCache = <table> {
 registerRegions = <table> {
 expanderButtons = <table> {
 Private = <table> {
 commonOptions = <table> {
 currentDynamicTextInput = false
 tempGroup = <table> {
 displayButtons = <table> {
data = <table> {
 iconSource = -1
 color = <table> {
 adjustedMax = ""
 adjustedMin = ""
 yOffset = 0
 anchorPoint = "CENTER"
 cooldownSwipe = true
 cooldownEdge = false
 icon = true
 triggers = <table> {
 internalVersion = 75
 progressSource = <table> {
 selfPoint = "CENTER"
 desaturate = false
 subRegions = <table> {
 height = 64
 load = <table> {
 useAdjustededMax = false
 useAdjustededMin = false
 regionType = "icon"
 cooldown = true
 width = 64
 animation = <table> {
 xOffset = 0
 keepAspectRatio = false
 zoom = 0
 useCooldownModRate = true
 authorOptions = <table> {
 id = "New 9"
 cooldownTextDisabled = false
 alpha = 1
 anchorFrameType = "SCREEN"
 frameStrata = 1
 config = <table> {
 inverse = false
 actions = <table> {
 conditions = <table> {
 information = <table> {
 uid = "2YofK1dE8ED"

Reproduction Steps

  1. Create a WA that supports progress source condition e.g Icon or Progress bar
  2. Setup it like Trigger 1 - Aura Trigger 2 - Combat log event that can have progress source like Time since stack lost
  3. Create a condition that has then -> ProgressSouce > Trigger 2 > Time since stack lost
  4. Try swapping triggers

Last Good Version

No response



Export String


Bisector Report

No response