- 8
Apparently weakauras is not functioning properly as before.
#2116 opened by hugo400 - 1
Anchoring/glowing Elv nameplates
#2117 opened by asaka-wa - 2
Classic maxUnitCount increments when players log in or out
#2118 opened by Wizeowel - 1
error on mytich+
#2124 opened by Pozzyx2019 - 14
Error Message
#2125 opened by Solyad331 - 1
Allow custom points when using custom anchors
#2126 opened by anaseskyrider - 2
Status - power - not working
#2127 opened by taccr - 1
[classic] taxi conditional
#2129 opened by pmb123 - 0
"Custom - Status" triggers using unit filters don't receive dummy events
#2131 opened by asaka-wa - 4
Spirit of Preservation not available in Template
#2132 opened by AvalonInk - 2
Can’t Open Weak Auras config menu
#2119 opened by Two-Tec - 1
No default aura for glow since 2.17
#2120 opened by Azhll - 5
Weakaura ignores cooldowns
#2122 opened by Elabas - 7
2.17.3 Buffs on ennemies's nameplate not working anymore
#2133 opened by mrbuds - 4
Weakauras not showing up after todays update
#2141 opened by petesmisc - 1
Cast spell triggers main hand swing timer
#2134 opened by uily - 0
Aura/Debuff check using multi target unit not working
#2136 opened by Mekias - 2
My weakauras for Retail keeps updating to classic today for some reason
#2137 opened by super69r - 0
Triggers with unit=nameplate => ignore self
#2140 opened by mrbuds - 1
Crowd controlled
#2145 opened by Solisans - 0
LUA error after ZG patch
#2142 opened by Jhnyy - 0
Attack Power Trigger
#2143 opened by Bigmike4470 - 1
Multiple Entry Options within the "Load" Tab
#2144 opened by zazomazzo - 3
Target of Target Auras
#2148 opened by MorteDeAngelis - 4
"State-Cast "Trrigger Condition not work
#2149 opened by q513902026 - 5
Wipe aura_env each aura load to enable stateful behavior
#2146 opened by 4ndrewCox - 0
UnitIsUnit Unit Characteristics trigger doesn't always work properly
#2152 opened by nekizalb - 1
WeakAuras2 on Twitch is Classic Version?
#2151 opened by aerosdarking - 3
#2051 does not seem to be fixed
#2154 opened by Sanluli36li - 2
progress bar texture reverting to standard in new session
#2153 opened by Earthling-Z3R0 - 0
Some auras show when weakauras is paused
#2156 opened by mrbuds - 1
Frame Selector for 'Glow External Element' on 'Condition' gives LUA error
#2157 opened by Juvecu - 1
On Cooldown conditions activate when expirationTime is Inf
#2158 opened by shrugal - 9
Condition activates for a wrong aura for a split seconds
#2155 opened by Loradim - 0
Buff on Boss won't trigger
#2161 opened by Breakerzeus - 0
selecting boss, rare, elite rate, worldbosses, etc to be added in Unitcharacteristic trigger
#2168 opened by hugo400 - 1
Can no longer get spell ID in aura environment from cast trigger
#2163 opened by glassleo - 4
UnitFrame display / hide does not update the aura position using UnitFrame anchors
#2164 opened by Sanluli36li - 1
Classic: GROUP_ROSTER_UPDATE is fired before GetRaidRosterInfo(i) can get data
#2167 opened by Shamzaa - 0
Alternate Power Aura doesn't disappear after leaving a Vision
#2171 opened by QuinncyJones - 1
Conditions Glow frame chooser throwing error.
#2172 opened by krazyito65 - 14
Weak Auras won't open after error.
#2174 opened by SteveC84 - 2
Weak auras not working /wa doesnt work I cant open it
#2177 opened by Primordial79 - 1
Error when trying to create new WA. Now it won't open when I go /wa
#2178 opened by bread24 - 1
WA is unable to track "boss5"
#2184 opened by Jinjita - 0
The unit 'boss5' is not a trackable unit.
#2185 opened by Jinjita - 1
Change version names or reorder them.
#2180 opened by Blohdridder - 1
Target of target glitching
#2181 opened by birgwow - 2
Target cast bar tracks player casting at <1 second
#2182 opened by birgwow - 1
Non Dynamic Information for Target Aura Duration doesn't update correctly.
#2186 opened by Jinjita