WeaponSwingTimer SixxFix

WeaponSwingTimer SixxFix


Bug - "#shoowtooltip Multi-Shot" in macro causes Multi-Shot cast bar to freeze permanently

nerolite opened this issue ยท 1 comments


If I include "#shoowtooltip Multi-Shot" in a macro that includes a nomod condition for Multi-Shot, then the Multi-Shot cast bar will freeze whenever this condition is false.

The only way to remove this frozen cast bar is to begin casting a Multi-Shot or Aimed Shot and then either cancelling the cast or finishing it. Only after this will the frozen cast bar be gone.

Bug example: Macro example where the cast bar freezes (given that you have a target selected and use a modifier)

#showtooltip Multi-Shot
/cast [nomod] Multi-Shot
/cast [mod:ctrl] Mend Pet

Comparison example: Everything working as expected.

/cast [nomod] Multi-Shot
/cast [mod:ctrl] Mend Pet

Image of the cast bar being frozen


should be fixed with latest update