Where the Zaralek?

Where the Zaralek?


Add frFR support

KatyPurry opened this issue · 9 comments


I don't know if iot's because I'm using a non English client, but I don't have any sound alert nor arrow on my map. Addon is enabled, sound set. I'm using 10.1-002 version.

thank you


Thank you for your reply !
Do you need event names as well ?


I will need to know which event the phrase is for, or the (approximate) coordinates. I don't need the name of the event in your language.


Okay, I'll try to post the sentences I discover as I go along, it might take a few days/weeks.

Update :

Coords Name Syntax
57.7, 56.2 Smelly Scramble Muskran l’Odoramancien se prépare à passer à l’action !
57.3, 49.7 Shellfire Un élémentaire de feu approche d’Olfor et de la grosse Bessie !
44.41, 74.52 Cascade Calling* Vous sentez la température dans les grottes augmenter considérablement.
63.3, 47.6 Crystalline Survey Le bruit des cristaux résonne dans toute la caverne. L’analyse géologique va commencer près du Passage !
40.6, 43.1 Mortar Warfare Des cris de guerre fusent de la caldeira, alors que les troupes djaradines commencent à assembler leurs balistes.
60.7, 53.8 Smellincense Delvert commence à faire chauffer sa marmite odorante près du lac des Abysses !
58.1, 66.9 Whirling Zephyr L’atmosphère vrombit d’énergie tandis que les Primalistes invoquent une tempête !
40.6, 43.1 Mortar Warfare Des cris de guerre fusent de la caldeira, alors que les troupes djaradines commencent à assembler leurs balistes.

*I didn't found the event on the wowpedia page.


If you want this to work in non-English clients, I will need a list of the phrases that are announced to the zone in your language. You can see the English phrases at https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Zaralek_Cavern such as:

Imperfect Balance [35.5, 51.3] - A vicious roar resonates through the caldera.
Mortar Warfare [40.6, 43.1] - War cries erupt from the caldera as the djaradin begin to assemble their ballistae.
Seismic Ceremony [34.5, 48.2] - The caldera begins to rumble...


Is that frFR?


So I can give you the contribution credit you deserve, please make an edit in this PR, even if you just add a space or something: #2


Doing some testing with my game client in french. There is some kind of special character just before the ! on some of the lines.


Oh, I was tired, yes it's for the French loc ! :D

Weird for the special character, I copy/paste from the game thanks to ElvUI. I'll rewrite by hand if not!


Thats okay, I think Github changed the special character but I fixed it.