Where the Zaralek?

Where the Zaralek?


Any way to Make the list scaleable?

HeadMistressSydonie opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Hi! I love this addon but i would love to be able to scale the words to make it fit the perimeter of my screen .. is that possible? Also for notification sounds I was so bummed to not hear the succubus whip moan noise! Keep up the great work!


For the resize - you can resize it during edit mode:

For the sound, you can add the option with:
/run LibStub("LibSharedMedia-3.0"):Register("sound", "Succubus Whip", 1466150)

That probably won't persist through a login. You'll need to find something that can run it every login / reload.


Please add this information to the addon description main page on curse or something. I almost deleted the addon because I couldn't figure out how to move it - and luckily came here and saw this information.


Yeah ok.