Multi-language Version
stamicvs opened this issue ยท 8 comments
Hi BoxximusPrime,
I've opened up a GitHub Issue now instead of the Curseforge Comments. Here are the comments for reference:
In reply to BoxximusPrime: I've now tested the German client and although I received loot (a trinket), the Addon showed nothing, so I guess there is still a text trigger or a translation thing. The German loot sentence for "you received loot: " is "Ihr erhaltet Beute: " maybe this helps.
In reply to BoxximusPrime: I've checked the english version now first and saw that now the addon recognizes upgrades with crests as loot drops. The chat message says "[item] got upgraded upgraded to [item]" with the item links in it. WhoGotLoots did that before, from what I can remember, but now it shows a "loot" for every upgrade step. I will test the German version of the Game today. Thank you very much for your effort!
In addition to the comments on Curseforge I encountered an error message in a LFR raid today in the english version of WhoGotLoots. I hope this is helpful for debugging:
12x WhoGotLoots/WhoGotLoots.lua:481: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value) [string "@WhoGotLoots/WhoGotLoots.lua"]:481: in function <WhoGotLoots/WhoGotLoots.lua:165> [string "=[C]"]: in function
[string "@Blizzard_ObjectAPI/Mainline/AsyncCallbackSystem.lua"]:76: in function FireCallbacks' [string "@Blizzard_ObjectAPI/Mainline/AsyncCallbackSystem.lua"]:35: in function <.../Blizzard_ObjectAPI/Mainline/AsyncCallbackSystem.lua:31> [string "=[C]"]: ? [string "=[C]"]: in function
[string "@Blizzard_ObjectAPI/Mainline/AsyncCallbackSystem.lua"]:52: in function AddCallback' [string "@Blizzard_ObjectAPI/Mainline/Item.lua"]:332: in function
[string "@WhoGotLoots/WhoGotLoots.lua"]:165: in function `AddLootFrame'
[string "@WhoGotLoots/WhoGotLoots.lua"]:55: in function <WhoGotLoots/WhoGotLoots.lua:19>
CompareItemID = 212398
CompareItemIlvl = 587
isPreview = false
baseIlvl = 571
itemName = "Bludgeons of Blistering Wind"
linkedItem = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:212398::::::::80:103::4:5:42:10353:10280:1488:10255:1:28:2462:::::|h[Bludgeons of Blistering Wind]|h|r"
itemQuality = 4
itemLevel = 587
itemMinLevel = 80
itemType = "Weapon"
itemSubType = "One-Handed Maces"
itemStackCount = 1
itemEquipLoc = "INVTYPE_WEAPON"
itemTexture = 5262988
sellPrice = 1438581
classID = 2
subclassID = 4
bindType = 1
expansionID = 10
setID = nil
isCraftingReagent = false
PlayerTopStat = "Agility"
CanEquip = true
IsAppropriate = true
ItemHasMainStat = true
CurrentSlotID = 16
CurrentItemLink = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:212413::::::::80:103::67:5:6652:11215:10278:1494:10255:1:28:2462:::::|h[Honored Executioner's Perforator]|h|r"
CurrentItemIlvl = 593
IsBoP = false
IsUnique = false
NoCompare = false
CacheRequest =
IsUpgrade = false
TextString = ""
ItemLevel = 587
GoodForPlayer = true
CompareIlvl = 587
Frame = Frame {
ItemLocation = 16
ItemID = 212398
IsClassRestricted = false
IsDowngradeForOtherPlayer = false
BottomText =
1 = "|cFFFF0000-6|r ilvl"
2 = "|cFFFF0000-1303|r Agility"
3 = "|cFF00FF00+332|r Speed"
4 = "|cFF00FF00+512|r Mast"
5 = "|cFFFF0000-1045|r Haste,"
6 = "|cFFFF0000-295|r Crit"
BottomText2 =
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id = 212398
hyperlink = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:212398::::::::80:103::4:5:42:10353:10280:1488:10255:1:28:2462:::::|h[Bludgeons of Blistering Wind]|h|r"
isCorruptedItem = false
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Item = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:229019::::::::80:103::42:6:10281:11215:6652:10377:1446:10255:1:28:2462:::::|h[Earthen Deckhand's Cape]|h|r"
PlayerTextFrame = Frame {
Player = ""
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ItemText = FontString {
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ProgressBar = StatusBar {
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3 = "|cFF00FF00+332|r Speed"
4 = "|cFF00FF00+512|r Mast"
5 = "|cFFFF0000-1045|r Haste,"
6 = "|cFFFF0000-295|r Crit"
(*temporary) = 2
(*temporary) = "|cFFFF0000-6|r ilvl"
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) =
1 = "|cFF00FF00+332|r Speed"
2 = "|cFF00FF00+512|r Mast"
3 = "|cFFFF0000-1045|r Haste,"
4 = "|cFFFF0000-295|r Crit"
(*temporary) =
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2 = "|cFF00FF00+512|r Mast"
3 = "|cFFFF0000-1045|r Haste,"
4 = "|cFFFF0000-295|r Crit"
(*temporary) = 4
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = 4
(*temporary) = 5
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "Haste,"
(*temporary) = "Crit,"
(*temporary) = 11
(*temporary) = 11
(*temporary) = true
(*temporary) = "|cFFFF0000-295|r Crit,"
(*temporary) = "+"
(*temporary) = "attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)"
CompareItemLink = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:212398::::::::80:103::4:5:42:10353:10280:1488:10255:1:28:2462:::::|h[Bludgeons of Blistering Wind]|h|r"
player = ""
Submitted a beta build, give that a try. I think you'll have to right click the addon in curse forge and choose the beta release type.
Thank you very much for your troubleshooting.
I've looted boxes from Siren Isle and in the english WoW-Client version of the addon usually I see my loot in WhoGotLoots as well, unfortunately not in the German WoW-client version. I've found out that loot from boxes in German creates a different chat message compared to looting from bosses. The box-loot was called "Ihr erhaltet einen Gegenstand: [itemlink]". I will now queue for LFR with the German verion and try again.
Yes, it's 1.4.6. I just checked the version. Like I wrote, this was a loot from a chest, not from a Boss. Unfortunately queing takes a while today ;)
I also checked item upgrades quickly, and in the German Client version, WhoGotLoots doesn't show up unfortunately.
I've also checked item upgrades from crests quickly in the english client and I also doesn't show up anymore
The item upgrade not showing is intended, though I could change it to show the upgraded item instead. I added some logic where if it sees two item links it'll disregard (like from upgrading an item). I'll download the german client and see if I can't figure out what's going on haha.
I was in a LFR today and got error messages as soon as some looted something:
This was even in the english WoW-Client version.
7x WhoGotLoots/WhoGotLoots.lua:486: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value) [string "@WhoGotLoots/WhoGotLoots.lua"]:486: in function <WhoGotLoots/WhoGotLoots.lua:170> [string "=[C]"]: in function
[string "@Blizzard_ObjectAPI/Mainline/AsyncCallbackSystem.lua"]:76: in function FireCallbacks' [string "@Blizzard_ObjectAPI/Mainline/AsyncCallbackSystem.lua"]:35: in function <.../Blizzard_ObjectAPI/Mainline/AsyncCallbackSystem.lua:31> [string "=[C]"]: ? [string "=[C]"]: in function
[string "@Blizzard_ObjectAPI/Mainline/AsyncCallbackSystem.lua"]:52: in function AddCallback' [string "@Blizzard_ObjectAPI/Mainline/Item.lua"]:332: in function
[string "@WhoGotLoots/WhoGotLoots.lua"]:170: in function `AddLootFrame'
[string "@WhoGotLoots/WhoGotLoots.lua"]:60: in function <WhoGotLoots/WhoGotLoots.lua:19>
CompareItemID = 212436
CompareItemIlvl = 593
isPreview = false
baseIlvl = 571
itemName = "Clutches of Paranoia"
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itemType = "Armor"
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itemStackCount = 1
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sellPrice = 518331
classID = 4
subclassID = 3
bindType = 1
expansionID = 10
setID = nil
isCraftingReagent = false
PlayerTopStat = "Agility"
CanEquip = true
IsAppropriate = true
ItemHasMainStat = true
CurrentSlotID = 10
CurrentItemLink = "|cffa335ee|Hitem:212012::::::::80:263::3:5:6652:10354:10270:10372:1507:1:28:2462:::::|h[Covenant of the Forgotten Reservoir]|h|r"
CurrentItemIlvl = 606
IsBoP = false
IsUnique = false
NoCompare = false
CacheRequest = {
IsUpgrade = false
TextString = ""
ItemLevel = 593
GoodForPlayer = true
CompareIlvl = 593
Frame = Frame {
ItemLocation = 10
ItemID = 212436
IsClassRestricted = false
IsDowngradeForOtherPlayer = false
BottomText =
1 = "|cFFFF0000-13|r ilvl"
2 = "|cFFFF0000-239|r Agility"
3 = "|cFF00FF00+846|r Vers"
4 = "|cFF00FF00+356|r Mast"
5 = "|cFFFF0000-204|r Armor,"
6 = "|cFFFF0000-427|r Haste,"
7 = "|cFFFF0000-864|r Crit"
BottomText2 =
tooltipData =
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isCorruptedItem = false
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Player = ""
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ItemText = FontString {
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ProgressBar = StatusBar {
PlayerArrow = Texture {
UpgradeGlow = Frame {
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3 = "|cFF00FF00+846|r Vers"
4 = "|cFF00FF00+356|r Mast"
5 = "|cFFFF0000-204|r Armor,"
6 = "|cFFFF0000-427|r Haste,"
7 = "|cFFFF0000-864|r Crit"
(*temporary) = 2
(*temporary) = "|cFFFF0000-13|r ilvl"
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = 261997
(*temporary) = 5
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = 5
(*temporary) = 6
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(*temporary) = "Mast"
(*temporary) = 6
(*temporary) = 11
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(*temporary) = "|cFF00FF00+846|r Vers"
(*temporary) = "+"
(*temporary) = "attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)"
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player = ""