1Botnet opened this issue · 3 comments
[string "@WIM\WIM-3.9.9.lua"]:398: in function `CoreEventHandler'
[string "@WIM\WIM-3.9.9.lua"]:60: in function <WIM\WIM.lua:60>
self = <table> {
inherritTable = <function> defined @WIM\Sources\ToolBox.lua:24
Menu = WIM3Menu {
getGradientFromColor_Legacy = <function> defined @WIM\Sources\ToolBox.lua:204
isInTable = <function> defined @WIM\Sources\ToolBox.lua:82
O = <table> {
getGradientFromColor = <function> defined @WIM\Sources\ToolBox.lua:231
RegisterItemRefHandler = <function> defined @WIM\Sources\Hooks.lua:98
gSplit = <function> defined @WIM\Sources\ToolBox.lua:255
CoreEventHandler = <function> defined @WIM\WIM.lua:395
VARIABLES_LOADED = <function> defined @WIM\WIM.lua:418
BN_FRIEND_LIST_SIZE_CHANGED = <function> defined @WIM\WIM.lua:476
GetReadableName = <function> defined @WIM\Sources\ToolBox.lua:116
SplitToTable = <function> defined @WIM\Sources\ToolBox.lua:263
addToTableUnique = <function> defined @WIM\Sources\ToolBox.lua:57
getVisibleChatFrameEditBox = <function> defined @WIM\Sources\Hooks.lua:67
RGBHexToPercent = <function> defined @WIM\Sources\ToolBox.lua:135
paddString = <function> defined @WIM\Sources\ToolBox.lua:241
S = <table> {
HSVPerctoRGBPerc = <function> defined @WIM\Sources\ToolBox.lua:168
removeFromTable = <function> defined @WIM\Sources\ToolBox.lua:72
copyTable = <function> defined @WIM\Sources\ToolBox.lua:9
EventHandler = <function> defined @WIM\WIM.lua:390
RGBPercentToHex = <function> defined @WIM\Sources\ToolBox.lua:131
RGBHextoHSVPerc = <function> defined @WIM\Sources\ToolBox.lua:140
dPrint = <function> defined @WIM\Sources\ToolBox.lua:285
GetNameAndServer = <function> defined @WIM\Sources\ToolBox.lua:105
FRIENDLIST_UPDATE = <function> defined @WIM\WIM.lua:450
FormatUserName = <function> defined @WIM\Sources\ToolBox.lua:95
GUILD_ROSTER_UPDATE = <function> defined @WIM\WIM.lua:498
BN_FRIEND_INFO_CHANGED = <function> defined @WIM\WIM.lua:476
honorChatFrameEventFilter = <function> defined @WIM\WIM.lua:371
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "Event 'VARIABLES_LOADED' received."
(*temporary) = "attempt to call global 'dPrint' (a nil value)"
WIM = <table> {
inherritTable = <function> defined @WIM\Sources\ToolBox.lua:24
Menu = WIM3Menu {
getGradientFromColor_Legacy = <function> defined @WIM\Sources\ToolBox.lua:204
isInTable = <function> defined @WIM\Sources\ToolBox.lua:82
O = <table> {
getGradientFromColor = <function> defined @WIM\Sources\ToolBox.lua:231
RegisterItemRefHandler = <function> defined @WIM\Sources\Hooks.lua:98
gSplit = <function> defined @WIM\Sources\ToolBox.lua:255
CoreEventHandler = <function> defined @WIM\WIM.lua:395
VARIABLES_LOADED = <function> defined @WIM\WIM.lua:418
BN_FRIEND_LIST_SIZE_CHANGED = <function> defined @WIM\WIM.lua:476
GetReadableName = <function> defined @WIM\Sources\ToolBox.lua:116
SplitToTable = <function> defined @WIM\Sources\ToolBox.lua:263
addToTableUnique = <function> defined @WIM\Sources\ToolBox.lua:57
getVisibleChatFrameEditBox = <function> defined @WIM\Sources\Hooks.lua:67
RGBHexToPercent = <function> defined @WIM\Sources\ToolBox.lua:135
paddString = <function> defined @WIM\Sources\ToolBox.lua:241
S = <table> {
HSVPerctoRGBPerc = <function> defined @WIM\Sources\ToolBox.lua:168
removeFromTable = <function> defined @WIM\Sources\ToolBox.lua:72
copyTable = <function> defined @WIM\Sources\ToolBox.lua:9
EventHandler = <function```
How did you solve it? I’ve encountered a similar issue!
Also this error:
[string "@WIM\Localization\enUS-English (US).lua"]:6: in main chunk
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "enUS"
(*temporary) = <table> {
Requires using <Alt> to navigate text. = true
This action will reload your user interface. = true
Pattern = true
Whisper Received! = true
WIM History Button = true
Incoming Messages = true
state_resting = "Resting"
Enable window animations. = true
%d |4Week:Weeks; = true
state_arena = "Arena"
W2W Profile = true
Intercept Slash Commands = true
Everyone = true
Enhancement = true
History = true
Message Window Hidden = true
Alphabetical = true
Filtering = true
Enable window fading effects. = true
Down = true
Text View = true
Ignore arrow keys in message box. = true
Window Width = true
Display Settings = true
Display available slash commands. = true
Click to update... = true
Survival = true
Restoration = true
System Messages = true
Options = true
Font Outline = true
No New Messages = true
WIM is currently running. To access WIM's wide array of options type: = true
Week = true
Invalid Keyword/Phrase! = true
Unlock from Minimap = true
Display = true
Also = true
None = true
Tab Management = true
Yes = true
Outgoing Messages = true
Never pop-up on my screen. = true
state_combat = "Combat"
%s does not wish to be disturbed: %s = true
Auto focus when window is shown. = true
state_party = "Party Instance"
Web URLs = true
Automatically group chat windows. = true
Auto Close Non-Friends after: = true
Tabs = true
Death KnightF = "Death Knight"
<Left-Click> = true
Disable = true
Talent Spec = true
Color: History Messages Received = true
Play sound when a message is sent. = true
Save = true
Windows will close when opening the world map. = true
Character = true
Play sound when a message is received. = true
Invalid Alias! = true
Block = true
Color: Messages Received = true
Keep focus on window after sending a message. = true
(Limited by shortcut bar) = true
Up = true
Show All Windows = true
A new version of WIM is available!
You can download the latest version from curse = true
Color: BNet Messages Received = true
Party Members = true
Maintenance = true
Emoticons = true
Save a maximum number of messages per person. = true
Display minimap icon. = true
Play sound when a whisper is received. = true
Allow = true
WarriorF = "Warrior"
Never suppress messages. = true
Guild Members = true
Action to Perform: = true
Allow others to see me typing. = true
No Sound = true
Search resulted in %d |4message:messages;. = true
Add Friend = true
Play special sound for guild members. = true
Location = true
Resizing Windows = true
WhisperSelect Part 2 = true
Font Size = true
Keep windows on top of your UI. = true
Frost = true
Display Tutorials = true
Pop-Up window when message is sent. = true
Preview = true
Name is already used! = true
Hybrid = true
Show All = true
No = true
Right-Mouse Click! = true
Some settings may be limited by certain skins. = true
Supress messages from default chat frame. = true
Destruction = true
WIM History Viewer can be accessed any time by typing: = true
ShamanF = "Shaman"
Group with whisper windows. = true
Force sounds when game sound is disabled. = true
Record Guild = true
state_other = "Normal (Other)"
Left = true
You can control how windows behave while you are in different situations. = true
Display WIM's options. = true
You can <Shift-Click> a tab and drag it out into it's own window. = true
Coordinates = true
Created By: = true
Keyword/Phrase is already used! = true
Display item links when hovering over them. = true
Filtering allows you to control which messages are handled as well as how they are handled by WIM. = true
Display user class icons and details. = true
WIM has detected that you are playing on a private server. Some servers can not process ChatAddonMessages. Would you like to enable them anyway? = true
Click to reposition. = true
Blood = true
The UI must be reloaded in order to disable this module fully. Reload UI now? = true
Display time stamps = true
Beast Mastery = true
Messages = true
Chat View = true
User Type = true
Use ```