Invalid escape code in chat message
R41z0r opened this issue ยท 9 comments
Hey there - Always when I try to send someone an item with quality, I'm getting the following error:
5x SendChatMessage(): Invalid escape code in chat message
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "@WIM/Modules/WhisperEngine.lua"]:746: in function SendChatMessage' [string "@BugSack/Libs/AceComm-3.0-12/ChatThrottleLib.lua"]:434: in function
[string "@WIM/Modules/WhisperEngine.lua"]:261: in function SendSplitMessage' [string "@WIM/Modules/WhisperEngine.lua"]:290: in function
[string "@WIM/Sources/WindowHandler.lua"]:393: in function <WIM/Sources/WindowHandler.lua:385>
[string "@WIM/Sources/WindowHandler.lua"]:709: in function <WIM/Sources/WindowHandler.lua:709>
(*temporary) = "|A:Professions-ChatIcon-Quality-Tier3:17:18::1|a]|h|r to R5? "
(*temporary) = "WHISPER"
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "Snakaso"
The message was:
hey there, can you [Complicated Cuffs |A:Professions-ChatIcon-Quality-Tier3:17:18::1|a] recraft?
If the message starts with [Complicated Cuffs |A:Professions-ChatIcon-Quality-Tier3:17:18::1|a] there isn't any problem.
The bug is always when you have more than 16 single letters before the linked item for example:
1234567890123456[Complicated Cuffs |A:Professions-ChatIcon-Quality-Tier3:17:18::1|a] = bug
123456789012345[Complicated Cuffs |A:Professions-ChatIcon-Quality-Tier3:17:18::1|a] = working
I have the same error.
To create error you just need link item and then write string:
[Draconic Treatise on Tailoring]x3
I'm pretty sure its how large messages are being split. It doesn't look large but there is a lot going on there in the escape codes between the link data and quality indicators. I'll see what I can come up with.
Do me a favor and try the alpha I just posted to curse. See if that fixes it.
(warning -- I didn't get a chance to test it myself)
Hey - Just tested it and it seems like there is another bug now:
1x WIM/Modules/WhisperEngine.lua:270: ChatThrottleLib:SendChatMessage(): message length cannot exceed 255 bytes
[string "=[C]"]: in function error' [string "@BugSack/Libs/AceComm-3.0-12/ChatThrottleLib.lua"]:425: in function
[string "@WIM/Modules/WhisperEngine.lua"]:270: in function SendSplitMessage' [string "@WIM/Modules/WhisperEngine.lua"]:300: in function
[string "@WIM/Sources/WindowHandler.lua"]:437: in function <WIM/Sources/WindowHandler.lua:429>
[string "@WIM/Sources/WindowHandler.lua"]:753: in function <WIM/Sources/WindowHandler.lua:753>
(*temporary) = "ChatThrottleLib:SendChatMessage(): message length cannot exceed 255 bytes"
the message was:
12345678901234567890[Complicated Cuffs |A:Professions-ChatIcon-Quality-Tier4:17:17::1|a]
Give the latest alpha a try. I tested it and it appears to be working for me. Let me know if you have any trouble.
It seems that the item links for items with a quality icon look like that: |Hitem:193223::::::::70:252:::::::::|h[Lustrous Scaled Hide |A:Professions-ChatIcon-Quality-Tier2:17:23::1|a]|h|r
. It seems that