Wisent AKA Bison2 - Buff & Debuff Tracking

Wisent AKA Bison2 - Buff & Debuff Tracking


Combo bar does not update maximum stack size dynamically when talents are changed

rdw-software opened this issue ยท 0 comments


My observations at the time:

  • If maxStacks changes dynamically (talent switched etc. via function), the icons themselves do not update, ever
  • It will display the last icon differently (if set to 200%) even if talents are changed and the maximum number has changed
  • It also don't disappear when switching forms for druids

This will need some more refactoring and changing things up, as the original implementation in Bison was obviously not thought-through very well.

Since I already rewrote the entire Combo bar, I'm not sure if this is still as much of an issue or if I fixed it "properly" (instead of just leaving it be/writing a hack-y solution) at the time.