World Quest Tracker

World Quest Tracker


LUA error on load and on map opening

Thex-PiedDroit opened this issue · 3 comments


Hi there!

Since today's update, i'm getting a consistent error on load and on map opening that does not say much of anything but stops triggering when i disable this addon. I'm guessing you might be using a button template (Blizzard_POIButton) that got modified by blizzard?

The error message is this:

Message: Interface/AddOns/Blizzard_POIButton/POIButton.xml:68 Frame Frame: Unknown script element OnClick
Time: Thu Jul 25 09:33:47 2024
Count: 38

(Nothing else, only these three lines)


The new version has fixed the issue (at least) on my side :-)


I am also getting errors each time that I open a map or when I switch between different maps.

With /console scriptErrors 1, I am seeing the following error. Likely related to your issue though I do not see the "Unknown script element" in that.

Message: ...dOns/WorldQuestTracker/WorldQuestTracker_ZoneMap.lua:429: attempt to index field 'GeneralIcons' (a nil value)
Time: Thu Jul 25 15:03:56 2024
Count: 1
Stack: ...dOns/WorldQuestTracker/WorldQuestTracker_ZoneMap.lua:429: attempt to index field 'GeneralIcons' (a nil value)
[string "@Interface/AddOns/WorldQuestTracker/WorldQuestTracker_ZoneMap.lua"]:429: in function `CreateZoneWidget'
[string "@Interface/AddOns/WorldQuestTracker/WorldQuestTracker_ZoneMap.lua"]:534: in function `GetOrCreateZoneWidget'
[string "@Interface/AddOns/WorldQuestTracker/WorldQuestTracker_WorldMap.lua"]:805: in function <...Ons/WorldQuestTracker/WorldQuestTracker_WorldMap.lua:755>

Locals: index = 1
name = "WorldQuestTrackerZonePOIWidget"
parent = Frame {
 Tutorial = Button {
 MaximizeMinimizeFrame = Frame {
 layoutType = "PortraitFrameTemplateMinimizable"
 InsetBorderTop = Texture {
 Underlay = Texture {
 PortraitContainer = Frame {
 TopTileStreaks = Texture {
 Bg = WorldMapFrameBg {
 TitleContainer = Frame {
 CloseButton = WorldMapFrameCloseButton {
 NineSlice = Frame {
 MaxMinButtonFrame = Frame {
pinTemplate = nil
anchorFrame = WorldQuestTrackerZonePOIWidget1Anchor {
 owningMap = WorldMapFrame {
 worldQuest = true
 dataProvider = <table> {
 TimeLowFrame = Frame {
 shouldShowGlow = true
 TrackedCheck = Texture {
 Display = Frame {
 Glow = Texture {
 HighlightTexture = Texture {
 questRewardTooltipStyle = <table> {
 PushedTexture = Texture {
 NormalTexture = Texture {
button = WorldQuestTrackerZonePOIWidget1 {
 Shadow = WorldQuestTrackerZonePOIWidget1Shadow {
 AddedToTrackerAnimation = AnimationGroup {
 SupportFrame = Frame {
 worldQuest = true
 bgFlag = Texture {
 Texture = WorldQuestTrackerZonePOIWidget1Texture {
 flagTextShadow = FontString {
 timeBlipOrange = Texture {
 flagText = FontString {
 blackGradient = Texture {
 AnchorFrame = WorldQuestTrackerZonePOIWidget1Anchor {
 flagCriteriaMatchGlow = Texture {
 highlight = Texture {
 questTypeBlip = Texture {
 timeBlipGreen = Texture {
 timeBlipYellow = Texture {
 timeBlipRed = Texture {
 squareBorder = Texture {
 rareGlow = Texture {
 circleBorder = Texture {
 blackBackground = Texture {
 TextureCustom = WorldQuestTrackerZonePOIWidget1TextureCustom {
 OnEnterAnimation = AnimationGroup {
 FactionPulseAnimation = AnimationGroup {
 SpellTargetGlow = WorldQuestTrackerZonePOIWidget1SpellTargetGlow {
 CriteriaMatchGlow = WorldQuestTrackerZonePOIWidget1CriteriaMatchGlow {
 OnShowAlphaAnimation = AnimationGroup {
 SelectedGlow = WorldQuestTrackerZonePOIWidget1SelectedGlow {
 onEndTrackAnimation = AnimationGroup {
 onStartTrackAnimation = AnimationGroup {
 IsTrackingGlow = WorldQuestTrackerZonePOIWidget1IsTrackingGlow {
 OnLeaveAnimation = AnimationGroup {
 rareSerpent = WorldQuestTrackerZonePOIWidget1RareSerpent {
 IsTrackingRareGlow = WorldQuestTrackerZonePOIWidget1IsTrackingRareGlow {
 RareOverlay = WorldQuestTrackerZonePOIWidget1RareOverlay {
supportFrame = Frame {
animaSettings = <table> {
 speed = 0.050000
 scaleWorld = 0.100000
 scaleZone = 0.100000
smallFlashOnTrack = Texture {
factionPulseAnimationTexture = Texture {
anim = Alpha {
anim = Alpha {
onFlashTrackAnimation = AnimationGroup {
 FlashTexture = Texture {
 NextAnimation = 3
buttonFullAnimation = AnimationGroup {
 NextAnimation = 3
onStartTrackAnimation = AnimationGroup {
 OnFlashTrackAnimation = AnimationGroup {
 ButtonFullAnimation = AnimationGroup {
 NextAnimation = 3
onEndTrackAnimation = AnimationGroup {
 NextAnimation = 3
w = 0
h = 0
criteriaFrame = Frame {
criteriaIndicator = Texture {
(*temporary) = Texture {
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = -2
(*temporary) = -2
(*temporary) = Frame {
(*temporary) = Frame {
(*temporary) = Frame {
(*temporary) = "CreateFrame/template"
(*temporary) = "attempt to index field 'GeneralIcons