


WorldBossTimers/KillInfo.lua:190: attempt to index field 'db' (a nil value)

Fiamma29 opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Immediately upon login this error pops at an approximate rate of 10 per second. Just... brrrr number goes up. Every time the count goes up the text deselects which made copying this one a little tricky, but I managed it! It doesn't stop until reload, at which point it starts again. Text never changes.

Please let me know if I can provide any additional info, thank you!

234x WorldBossTimers/KillInfo.lua:190: attempt to index field 'db' (a nil value)
[string "@WorldBossTimers/KillInfo.lua"]:190: in function GetLatestRespawnTimePoint' [string "@WorldBossTimers/KillInfo.lua"]:243: in function ShouldRespawnAlertPlayNow'
[string "@WorldBossTimers/WorldBossTimers.lua"]:800: in function <WorldBossTimers/WorldBossTimers.lua:795>

self =

map_id = 2200
announce_times =
boss_name = "Balboan"
realm_name_normalized = "Saurfang"
version = "v1.12"
realm_name = "Saurfang"
has_triggered_respawn = false
t_death = 1701905303
shard_id = 10113
(*temporary) = 1701905303
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "attempt to index field 'db' (a nil value)"


Thanks for reporting. I haven't yet added any DF rares, and since boss_name = "Balboan" my guess is that your BossData.lua was patched to contain some extra rares. Then the addon was updated, and the patched BossData.lua was overwritten with the original, so when trying to load the timer for Balboan, it fails because that rare no longer exists in that file.

Or maybe the timer was shared by someone with a patched file, but I think there's a check preventing that.

Does this sound reasonable?


It does, absolutely. Thanks for the in depth reply!

I added Houndlord Ren as a custom rare back in March 2023, and I believe I also grabbed a patched file at some point too. I uninstalled the addon, manually wiped the Saved Variables files and reinstalled and no more errors. Apologies for bothering you with an issue with such a simple fix! ๐Ÿ˜…


No problem. I know people before have patched that file before, but not heard about any issues before. While not officially supported, it would be good if the addon at least didn't crash. Created issue for fixing: #118