


Addon casuses framerate drops

Closed this issue ยท 7 comments


In war within, I'm noticing a frame drop when using the addon, every other second the rendering stutters. It's steady and easily reproducible by enabling and disabling the addon. Happens every second or two from what i see. Very noticeable on mount animations, they pause every second or so.


I can't reproduce this.

  • Does it happen only in certain zones?
  • Does it happen if you disable all addons but WBT?
  • If you close the window with the timers, does it make any difference?
  • Zone doesn't matter
  • Still happens, it's not impacted by other addons
  • Window Open Only, closed it's ok.

Thanks. Some follow up:

  • Do you get any lua errors? If so, what does it say? You can turn on/off errors with /console scriptErrors 1
  • If you run /wbt reset (try first after checking if you get lua errors), does that make any difference?

Also, I'm assuming you're using latest version (v1.12.12)?

  • No Errors seen after console is on
  • Resetting timers FIXED IT
  • Using the latest (use Curseforge every day)

Fixed now! (maybe old data was not working in new version?)


Good that it's fixed for you, and thanks for reporting the issue.

And yes, it's something related to old data. There is already a step during addon initializtion which removes all old timers if the new addon version has made changes to the timer data structure, but that's a flag that's set manually for each version if there were such changes. I don't recall any such changes lately, but may have missed something.

I'll leave this issue open for now, and I'll probably make a coming version reset all old timers.


Looked a bit more at this, and seems to be a scaling issue. At about 500 timers I can also notice the FPS drop every second. I'll add a step which removes timers more than a day old or so.