


pre-spawn alert not working

hollo6 opened this issue ยท 6 comments


I want to set an alert (x sec before spawn) but it does nothing. I've even tried to change the timer value and the sound in case it was an initialization issue or something with some sounds but to no avail.
No sound is being played and no client icon flash either, so the spawn alert function never fires.


Great to hear that it seems to work now!

It's intentional that expired timers don't give alerts. I agree that it would make sense on bosses with fixed respawn time.

Maximum value is actually 5 min (you can write 300 in the box instead of using the slider), but it was never intended to be used like that, only to give you enough time to tab back before the boss gets one-shot. And yes, even if you change it to 5 min the alert won't play if you're in the wrong zone. But I understand that your scenario is also common.

I'll create issues for both cases, but most likely I won't fix/consider them (or any other non-bug issues) until the summer.


Alright, thank you very much for the fix and the explanation! These can wait until the summer. :)


Works for me. If anyone else is having the same issue then please comment, and I'll add debug logging.


Since writing this ticket, I have discovered that it sometimes works but it's rare and I can't find anything that could explain the difference. I'm using the same addons on half my characters and almost none on the other half, this problem is present on all and sometimes it works, sometimes not, for the same character.
Debug logging would be great.


Poked at that code a bit in #100. Maybe helps. Will release a new version later today. If it still doesn't work after I'll look into it more.


Thank you, it seems this mostly did the trick, however, the alert still won't fire when the timer is expired.
Or is this intentional? If so, could it be an option instead?

Also, it would be nice if the maximum value of the alert was bigger (say, 5 minutes) and not only when in the zone, so I could get a notification to log to an alt that's parked at the spot in time, not 30s before when it's already too late to start logging.