WoW-Pro Guides

WoW-Pro Guides


When I check a sticky it disappears completely.

dlmac opened this issue ยท 4 comments


I had a step that was stickied, I checked off before I realized I still needed it but it wasn't in the current guide list anymore. I don't think that was supposed to happen, now I have no way of getting it back. I will try to reset the guide but I'd rather not have to do that.


This is technically the current intended functionality. I did this originally because the current guide was supposed to be a representation of the flow of how the guide should go, and it made more sense to me at the time not to have double steps listed - so the best solution was not to show sticky steps, only showing their unsticky counterpart.

However, I think perhaps that it would be better to instead note somehow which steps are sticky and unsticky, and show them all. Will change in the next version, thanks for the suggestion!


I think I see what you are saying...but, the reason I had a problem was because I could not find it in the "Current Guide List" once I had checked it by mistake. Are you saying that even if I had not marked it as sticky and checked it off it would still disappear? (from the "Current Guide List" not the main view.) For other steps that I check off by mistake or need to go back and see I just go to the "Current Guide List" and either uncheck it or just read it, but I can not do that with this that is why I though it was a bug. The only way I could find was to reset the guide, not ideal but it worked.

I am not sure I was clear when I said current guide list, that is what it is called but it is the list of all the quests when you click the title bar and select "Current Guide". I am not in the game right now so I could be wrong on the exact names.


Yep, I knew exactly what you meant and what you stated is exactly true - the sticky steps will (currently) never show up in the Current Guide frame, checked or unchecked. So the only way (currently) to uncheck one is to reset the guide.

Will be fixed in the future!


Fixed in most recent commit.