WoW-Pro Guides

WoW-Pro Guides


Manually completing steps causes steps to become uncomplete-able

CodingDino opened this issue ยท 3 comments


One more that I've seen (haven't looked into the code yet) - if you mark an accept step as completed the turn-in step is not being displayed in the 'live' view. However the step following the turn-in step isn't completing and can't be manually completed. If you go to the full guide listing then you can see that the step that isn't being completed is the turn-in step rather than the step following. Marking it complete in the full guide listing allows you to continue.


I've experienced this before and I really don't know what is causing it. There seems to occasionally be some sort of mistake in the index assigned to the display rows (in terms of what the index in the parsed step tables is). I'll poke around, but we might need to do more testing before we can find the source of this error.


I found a similar problem in the current guide panel. I fixed it there. I'll see if something similar is happening in the normal guide window.


Loop issue, fixed now. I hope anyways. Keep an eye on it. Note if it happens in conjunction with sticky, unsticky, or |O} quests.