


No window on certain chars

tflo opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Curious problem:

On most of my chars WQAchivements works fine, but on my Paladin and Warrior I get no window at all: not automatically, not by hovering over the button, and not by clicking the button.

IIRC, these are the only 2 chars (out of 16) where it doesn't work. The only thing they have in common is that they are Plate and lower iLvl than most of the others.

Relogging ofc does not help, I'm having the issue for some weeks now. I also created a new profile, clicked the Reset Profile button, and reloaded: the same.

BTW, when right-clicking the LDB button to open the settings, I get attempt to call global 'InterfaceOptionsFrame_Show' (a nil value):

2x WQAchievements/WQAchievements.lua:3214: attempt to call global 'InterfaceOptionsFrame_Show' (a nil value)
[string "@WQAchievements/WQAchievements.lua"]:3214: in function `OnClick'
[string "@Bazooka/Bazooka.lua"]:1417: in function <Bazooka/Bazooka.lua:1414>

self = BazookaPlugin_WQAchievements {
 SetAlpha = <function> defined @Bazooka/Bazooka.lua:1481
 bzkAlpha = 1
 GetAlpha = <function> defined @Bazooka/Bazooka.lua:1495
 0 = <userdata>
 bzkPlugin = <table> {
button = "RightButton"
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "attempt to call global 'InterfaceOptionsFrame_Show' (a nil value)"
WQA = <table> {
 watched = <table> {
 IsQuestFlaggedCompleted = <function> defined @WQAchievements/WQAchievements.lua:3456
 UpdateCustomRewards = <function> defined @WQAchievements/Options.lua:1528
 SetRewardLinkByID = <function> defined @WQAchievements/WQAchievements.lua:3021
 EnableModule = <function> defined @Accountant_Classic/Libs/AceAddon-3.0/AceAddon-3.0.lua:328
 modules = <table> {
 GetRewardForID = <function> defined @WQAchievements/WQAchievements.lua:1739
 IterateEmbeds = <function> defined @Accountant_Classic/Libs/AceAddon-3.0/AceAddon-3.0.lua:438
 ToggleGet = <function> defined @WQAchievements/Options.lua:1313
 CreateCustomQuest = <function> defined @WQAchievements/Options.lua:1399
 debug = false
 isQuestPinActive = <function> defined @WQAchievements/WQAchievements.lua:3445
 slash = <function> defined @WQAchievements/WQAchievements.lua:468
 SetDefaultModulePrototype = <function> defined @Accountant_Classic/Libs/AceAddon-3.0/AceAddon-3.0.lua:405
 Show = <function> defined @WQAchievements/WQAchievements.lua:1586
 itemList = <table> {
 defaultModuleState = true
 AnnouncePopUp = <function> defined @WQAchievements/WQAchievements.lua:2879
 IsEnabled = <function> defined @Accountant_Classic/Libs/AceAddon-3.0/AceAddon-3.0.lua:447
 ExpansionList = <table> {
 ScheduleTimer = <function> defined @DataStore/libs/AceTimer-3.0/AceTimer-3.0.lua:94
 DisableModule = <function> defined @Accountant_Classic/Libs/AceAddon-3.0/AceAddon-3.0.lua:346
 missionList = <table> {
 CreateCustomMissionReward = <function> defined @WQAchievements/Options.lua:1658
 options = <table> {
 GetArgs = <function> defined @Accountant_Classic/Libs/AceConsole-3.0/AceConsole-3.0.lua:140
 data = <table> {
 CreateGroup = <function> defined @WQAchievements/Options.lua:1316
 start = 192369.200000
 questList = <table> {
 ZoneIDList = <table> {
 emissaryRewards = true
 EmissaryReward = <function> defined @WQAchievements/WQAchievements.lua:3120
 questPinMapList = <table> {
 AddRewardToMission = <function> defined @WQAchievements/WQAchievements.lua:1491
 CreateCustomReward = <function> defined @WQAchievements/Options.lua:1517
 SetEnabledState = <function> defined @Accountant_Classic/Libs/AceAddon-3.0/AceAddon-3.0.lua:420
 IsTransmogable = <function> defined @WQAchievements/WQAchievements.lua:2144
 enabledState = true
 link = <function> defined @WQAchievements/WQAchievements.lua:1725
 playerName = "Yeslick-AzjolNerub"
 rewards = true
 questPinList = <table> {
 links = <table> {
 event = Frame {
 IterateModules = <function> defined @Accountant_Classic/Libs/AceAddon-3.0/AceAddon-3.0.lua:433
 optionsFrame = Frame {
 faction = "Alliance"
 db = <table> {
 baseName = "WQAchievements"
 SortOptions = <function> defined @WQAchievements/Options.lua:1720
 Reward = <function> defined @WQAchievements/WQAchievements.lua:2000
 CancelTimer = <function> defined @DataStore/libs/AceTimer-3.0/AceTimer-3.0.lua:147
 CheckWQ = <function> defined @WQAchievements/WQAchievements.lua:1597
 AddToys = <function> defined @WQAchievements/WQAchievements.lua:1432
 AddMounts = <function> defined @WQAchievements/WQAchievements.lua:1359
 OnInitialize = <funct

I think it's Settings.OpenToCategory() now.

โ€“ Tom


Do you get messages in the chat if you enable chat output?


As you have toc-bumped without fixing, I created a separate issue for the "BTW" part.


After I had split the issue this morning, I fiddled around with the 'no window' issue again. It turned out that the problem is in the SV file. Apparently the "worldQuest" table contained an offensive quest:

                [62063] = {
                    ["questType"] = "QUEST_FLAG",

After removing it, WQA works again.

I could not find that quest ID in-game or on wowhead. Not sure why I added that. It is either a typo, or it is one of those header-less quest that are used to track a Rare kill or other stuff.

The latter is possible because some time ago I tried to move some of my Rare-kill tracking Weakauras to WQA. After it turned out that it doesn't work with WQA, I removed the IDs again, but maybe forgot one.

I can reproduce the issue now by adding for example quest ID 58003 to WQA. This is the quest ID for tracking the daily kill on Sister Chelicerae. This works fine in my Weakaura, but WQA stops working completely (no window and no chat notifications) as soon as the ID is added (and activated).

Though it is still mysterious to me why this only affected a couple of my toons, or why it can block WQA at all. (C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(62063) or C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(58003) doesn't return any errors or nil.)

โ€“ Tom