


Bug report: Waycrest Manor: Witchy Kitchen not tracked properly

Sluimerstand opened this issue ยท 7 comments


Hello! This addon has been very useful to me, but the one world quest I initially installed the addon for isn't being tracked properly.

The world quest is Waycrest Manor: Witchy Kitchen (ID: 51212) for the Intact Chicken Brain. I've even set it to "Always track," but sadly that did not resolve the issue. It seems to be set up fine in DB\Data\BattleForAzeroth.lua:412, but alas.


The dungeon option must be active too. You find it here: Rewards -> General


Please run this command: /run print(WQAchievements.questList[51212])
It should print something like table: 00001231A12

Check the options Rewards -> BfA -> World Quests Zones. Drustvar option must be acitve.


I've verified both the dungeon option and Drustvar option are enabled.

The command actually returns nil for me.
When I add the World Quest via the Custom feature, it does return something:
table: 000001FC483E6C40


Does it work if you disable your other addons?


I've just tried this, but it gives the same results including the /run command. I've also made sure I'm on the latest version, and I've tried reinstalling the addon and wiping its savedvariables.


Have you activated filters in the pet journal that hide the chicken?


Ah yes, that was the issue! It appears properly now.
Though that does mean that the addon doesn't seem to respect the "Always track" option.