


Addon Stopped Working

stevedenunzio opened this issue ยท 5 comments


I'll continue to investigate, but WQAchievements stopped working for me following today's (1/23/2024) reset. Here's what I've tried:

  • Clicking on the minimap button and typing "/wqa" both do not result in the pop-up. It does pause very briefly, like it's wanting to do something.
  • As nearly as I can determine, the game isn't throwing any related LUA errors.
  • I went out to the "_retail" folder and deleted the Cache, Log and Error folders to see if that helped.
  • I turned off ALL other addons except WQA to see if there was a new conflict.
  • Even rebooted the computer.

Sorry I can't share more. If I do figure it out, will let you know. But maybe you can reproduce.


  • Deleted the addon, rebooted, verified the addon folder was gone. Then, reinstalled the addon. No change.
  • Worth noting, I CAN still see the options in the option screen. But changing them (including the chat & pop-up settings) has no effect.

There is one important thing you didn't try when resetting the addon.

The settings for WQA are saved here:
World of Warcraft\_retail_\WTF\Account\MOSEBI\SavedVariables\WQAchievements.lua

Remove or rename this file to reset the settings.

If this fixes your problem, please send me the file.



Confirmed, renaming the old file and letting the addon generate a new one did the trick. I've tried to attach the original variable file here.


Have you added any of your custom quests recently?


Thanks, Urtgard! No, not recently. The addon just simply worked when I logged off for the day, then didn't when I next logged on. Currently working...will keep an eye on things.