LUA Error on WQ Link Click
stevedenunzio opened this issue ยท 1 comments
When clicking on a WQ name to add it to tracking:
Message: Interface/AddOns/WQAchievements/Tooltip.lua:205: attempt to call global 'GetQuestLogRewardCurrencyInfo' (a nil value)
Time: Mon Aug 19 12:35:25 2024
Count: 19
Stack: Interface/AddOns/WQAchievements/Tooltip.lua:205: attempt to call global 'GetQuestLogRewardCurrencyInfo' (a nil value)
[string "=[C]"]: in function GetQuestLogRewardCurrencyInfo' [string "@Interface/AddOns/WQAchievements/Tooltip.lua"]:205: in function
[string "@Interface/AddOns/Rarity/Libs/LibQTip-1.0/LibQTip-1.0.lua"]:1370: in function <...rface/AddOns/Rarity/Libs/LibQTip-1.0/LibQTip-1.0.lua:1369>
Error too, when i click on a quest in the panel !
Date: 2024-08-21 17:55:17
ID: 5
Error occured in: Global
Count: 5
Message: Interface/AddOns/WQAchievements/Tooltip.lua line 205:
attempt to call global 'GetQuestLogRewardCurrencyInfo' (a nil value)
[string "@Interface/AddOns/WQAchievements/Tooltip.lua"]:205: _OnMouseDown_func()
[string "@Interface/AddOns/Rarity/Libs/LibQTip-1.0/LibQTip-1.0.lua"]:1370:
_ = false
_ = false
numObjectives = 1
widget = <table> {
mapID = 62
numObjectives = 1
questID = 54812
questX = 0.396416
questY = 0.323616
x = 0.396416
y = 0.323616
(*temporary) = 2
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = 1
(*temporary) = 54812
(*temporary) = "attempt to call global 'GetQuestLogRewardCurrencyInfo' (a nil value)"
link = "|cff808080|Hquest:54812:691|h[Ombregriffe]|h|r"
task = <table> {
id = 54812
type = "WORLD_QUEST"
WQA = <table> {
modules = <table> {
debug = false
tooltip = Frame {
questPinMapList = <table> {
itemList = <table> {
ExpansionList = <table> {
missionList = <table> {
data = <table> {
EmissaryQuestIDList = <table> {
db = <table> {
rewards = true
Achievements = <table> {
questPinList = <table> {
activeTasks = <table> {
optionsFrame = Frame {
first = true
name = "WQAchievements"
L = <table> {
baseName = "WQAchievements"
defaultModuleState = true
questList = <table> {
ZoneIDList = <table> {
playerName = "Klep-Ysondre"
faction = "Horde"
defaultModuleLibraries = <table> {
PopUp = WQAchievementsPopUp {
newTasks = <table> {
event = Frame {
emissaryRewards = true
timer = <table> {
orderedModules = <table> {
start = 15151.391000
watched = <table> {
watchedMissions = <table> {
enabledState = true
links = <table> {
Criterias = <table> {
questFlagList = <table> {
id = 54812
self = <table> {
modules = <table> {
debug = false
tooltip = Frame {
questPinMapList = <table> {
itemList = <table> {
ExpansionList = <table> {
missionList = <table> {
data = <table> {
EmissaryQuestIDList = <table> {
db = <table> {
rewards = true
Achievements = <table> {
questPinList = <table> {
activeTasks = <table> {
optionsFrame = Frame {
first = true
name = "WQAchievements"
L = <table> {
baseName = "WQAchievements"
defaultModuleState = true
questList = <table> {
ZoneIDList = <table> {
playerName = "Klep-Ysondre"
faction = "Horde"
defaultModuleLibraries = <table> {
PopUp = WQAchievementsPopUp {
newTasks = <table> {
event = Frame {
emissaryRewards = true
timer = <table> {
orderedModules = <table> {
start = 15151.391000
watched = <table> {
watchedMissions = <table> {
enabledState = true
links = <table> {
Criterias = <table> {
questFlagList = <table> {
zoneID = 62
Swatter, v<%version%> (<%codename%>)
AllTheThings, v4.0.6
AnnoyingPopupRemover, vv22.0.1-release
Auctionator, v11.0.9
CanIMogIt, v11.0.2v2.3
ClassicQuestLog, v3.1.6
Collectionator, v1.21
Details, v#Details.12879.159
DetailsCompare2, v
DetailsEncounterDetails, v
DetailsRaidCheck, v
DetailsStreamer, v
DetailsTinyThreat, v
DetailsVanguard, v
GTFO, v5.11.2
HandyNotes, vv1.6.20.3
HandyNotesDragonflightTreasures, vv61
HandyNotesShadowlandsTreasures, vv78
HandyNotesWarWithin, vv15
MaxDps, v11.0.15
MaxDpsRogue, v11.0.0
NPCTime, v1.0.22
NugComboBar, v11.0.1
Paste, v11.0.2-20240813-1
Prat30, v3.9.58
PremadeGroupsFilter, v5.8.4
RareScanner, v11.0.2.3
Rarity, v1.0 (r734-release-2)
RarityOptions, v
Rematch, v5.2.4
SilverDragon, vv2024.13
SilverDragonHistory, vv2024.13
SilverDragonOverlay, vv2024.13
SilverDragonRangeExtender, vv2024.13
TargetPercent, vv10.2.6
TLDRMissions, v11.0-003
TomeOfTeleportation, v
TomTom, vv4.0.1-release
WeakAuras, v5.16.1
WeakAurasArchive, v5.16.1
WeakAurasOptions, v5.16.1
WorldQuestsList, v111
WorldQuestTracker, vv11.0.0.505-Retail
WQAchievements, vv11.0.2-1
BlizRuntimeLib v11.0.2.56196(EU) <frFR>