


Game stutters/lags every 2-3 second for 1 second with WQA addon active

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First thanks for a great addon, been using it for a long time <3

Today the game was almost unplayable with WQA enabled. Every 2-3 second the framerate drops from 117 to 75 and the game freezes 1 second. I have a bunch of addons but I decided to disable the top 3 memory users (AllTheThings, Details and WQA) to see if any of those where the problem.
Started with ATT, then Details without any change, last I disabled was WQA and the stutter dissapeared.
I then enabled the two other again and still no stutter. When I enabled WQA again the stutter was back

I'm using version 11.0.2-4 with latest Retail


Is there an error that pops from it?


Hi, thanks for a fast reply.
No, unfortunatly there is no error that pops up (I have buggrabber/bugsack installed and they report nothing) its just the stutters.
I tested with all addons disabled except for WQA and the stutter was still there.
I tested different TWW zones too to see if it was zone related, but I had the problem regardless of TWW zone.
I currently have all addons except TWW enabled and no stutter.


Have you tried resetting your profile? All you have to do is delete the WQAchievements.lua in the WTF folder.

World of Warcraft\_retail_\WTF\Account\YOUR_ACCOUNT_NAME\SavedVariables\WQAchievements.lua


Hi again,
I did reset the Savevariables via the Curseforge app, and I currently do not have any stutter.
Is there any drawback to resetting the addons saved variables? If not then thats a acceptable workaround :)


The only thing resetting saved variables is it basically puts the addon to a default state. So any personal changes made get removed, so any manual tracking items, quests, etc
But glad to hear that fixed, I did notice there was some addon changes too, that may have helped


Ty for the quick reply, lets close this then! :)