


Gold reward not working

dsandrini opened this issue ยท 3 comments


If I check the Gold option (Reward tab => General menu => Gold) and set an amount to be notified when there is a WQ that reward more that X gold, the addon stop to return any quest.
I rolled back to v 2.5 and it works.
I resetted profile and checked only the Gold option from a clean install of the addon.
v.8.3 gold option not working (and if checked no more quest are notified).
v.8.2.5 gold option work


Thanks for the info and testing older versions.

Does it work if you complete the invasions (fill the bar and kill miniboss quest) in Uldum and the Vale?
I only added the two new zones in v8.3 and my first guess is, that the invasion quest is technically a world quest. But a little bit different and therefore breaks some stuff.


Hi, I just tryed with the new version on a character that completed both major and minor assault, but still I have the same issue: if I check the Gold option I see no more WQ notifications both in popup and in the chat.


Fixed in the new version.