


Adjust/remember position of the pop-up window

tflo opened this issue · 1 comments


Is there any way to make the add-on remember the position of the window?

It always pops up straight into my face (center of screen), which is exactly the only position where I never would like to have it ;)

Really love your add-on, so useful. Thanks a lot for all the dev work!


Many thanks for the improvement. In the meantime I already gave up and deactivated the pop-up window. Sure that I lost many opportunities although I obliged myself to always manually check the window from the Data Broker icon. But, you know…

A bit late, but the reasons why I hated the straight-in-your-face window so much were:

  1. It popped up in-between combat: I killed one mob, dropped out of combat for a very short time before attacking the next mob – and just in that moment (or 0.5 sec before) I got that damn window in the center of the screen ;)

  2. Sometimes I have to log out in suboptimal locations. I log back in, find myself in the mid of a fight – completely unprepared – and then, on top of that, I get the damn window in my face. Best then is that you cannot click it away via the Close box, only can move it out of the way.

So, once again, many thanks for implementing my suggestion. Will reactivate the pop-up window again now.


– Tom