


Sticky chat option.

Natlyz opened this issue ยท 5 comments



I have a suggestion: an option to select which channels use sticky edit box.

e.g. I'm talking in a party chat. Party chat is set to sticky. Whispers aren't sticky. I reply to a guildie who whispered me by clicking on the name in chat, but can keep replying in party chat by pressing Enter without having to type /p after replying to a whisper.



I'll take a look at the code. I can't recall but I remember something odd in the blizzard code regarding sticky channels and the Default Chat Frame.


Something funny?


As in something quirky or odd about the sticky channels code. I think there are restrictions. But I cannot recall. When I get home I'll take a look at it. I edited the original message above to make it clearer.


Alright so sticky channels are global. They affect every chat frame. However, its possible I suppose to select which chat types you want to make sticky or not. I can look into it a bit more but I'm a bit tired. I'll see it tomorrow morning.


Good morning! So I took a look at the code and it's possible to do with a filter list. Something similar to what I did with the stylized player names. I will work on adding this filter list for sticky channels. Afterwards though I'm going to stop making anymore feature enhancements to the xanChat. I don't want the addon to end up like Prat or Chatter with too much bloated stuff.