


Random copy malfunction. vol.2

Natlyz opened this issue ยท 13 comments



I'm randomly experiencing this bug. Reload UI fixes it temporary.


No error text, no nothing. Happens randomly. One time it's already been like that when I logged in.

Thanks :)


Reload fixes it but then it can occur again after relog or just randomly. So far I don't know what could be causing it.

That's a custom "Private" tab I made for whispers and raids/groups. But I think when I log in the bug can also occur while in the main tab.

I only use 1 chat window and switch tabs. 80% of time I'm in Private tab tho.

I'm not using any other chat related addons apart from "Alts" addon that adds main character name in (_) near the alt's name.


That's a weird bug. Especially since I tell it to be a certain distance from the top. It might be a redraw issue but this one is weird. You say reload fixes it temporary? While fixed what causes it to go back up to the top again?

Also what chat tab is that one? A custom one or the main one? Separate chat window? etc.. etc.


You mean a screenshot of my UI or something else? Here's my UI ๐Ÿ˜‰



You mean a screenshot of my UI or something else? Here's my UI ๐Ÿ˜‰


Okay cool so you have all the tabs docked? I thought you had a separate chat window that you had customized? It probably is a redraw problem but I'm trying to rule that out. The size of the chatbox can't be it... but it's a possibility.


Everything is "docked", when I click on tabs it asks if I want to "undock".

I also have resized my chat a bit since you told me to do it when I had letters being cropped.


Okay I'll take a look. Still a bit confused as to why it shows on top. In the code I have it hard coded for -30 on the y-axis from the top. So it should be -30 pixels down regardless.

If possible can you provide a fullscreen screenshot of your client? You are more than welcome to blur out anything. I just want to see a general idea of everything and your layout. I think I have an idea of what is causing it, but I need to rule out some stuff.


Everything is "docked", when I click on tabs it asks if I want to "undock".

I also have resized my chat a bit since you told me to do it when I had letters being cropped.

I think I found out what may be causing it. But it should only happen rarely. It has to do with a redraw issue when zoning and such. Basically whenever you see a loading screen for something.

I'll see if I can find some weirdo way to trigger the bug to see if I can fix it.


I had the bug occur at least twice on log in: once in a capital, once in the outside world near Tal'Gurub in Zuldazar.



Try this version and let me know if you still get it.


Sure, but it will take some time to say for sure the bug's gone, considering that it occurs randomly and rarely :)


Well, no bugs so far.


Have you still not experienced this bug again? Let me know and I'll close this ticket.


I think you can close it.