



wheatbread opened this issue ยท 2 comments



I just installed Xanchat v6.2 and started getting the following error spam:

959x XanChat\xanChat-6.2.lua:295: attempt to index local 'relativeTo' (a nil value) [string "@XanChat\xanChat-6.2.lua"]:295: in function <XanChat\xanChat.lua:279> [string "@XanChat\xanChat-6.2.lua"]:627: in function <XanChat\xanChat.lua:626> [string "=[C]"]: in function StopMovingOrSizing'
[string "@FrameXML\FloatingChatFrame.lua"]:1277: in function FCF_StopDragging' [string "@FrameXML\FloatingChatFrame.lua"]:1323: in function FCFTab_OnDragStop'
[string "@FrameXML\FloatingChatFrame.lua"]:1314: in function <FrameXML\FloatingChatFrame.lua:1296>

chatFrame = ChatFrame1 {
GatherSelectedText = defined =[C]:-1
RefreshIfNecessary = defined =[C]:-1
OnPostShow = defined =[C]:-1
CalculateLineAlphaValueFromTimestamp = defined =[C]:-1
ScrollUp = defined =[C]:-1
tellTimer = 300380.609000
fadeDurationSecs = 3
StopMovingOrSizing = defined =[C]:-1
GetFading = defined =[C]:-1
IsTextCopyable = defined =[C]:-1
shouldFadeAfterInactivity = true
SetIndentedWordWrap = defined =[C]:-1
GetJustifyV = defined =[C]:-1
ScrollToBottom = defined =[C]:-1
GetMaxLines = defined =[C]:-1
GetIndentedWordWrap = defined =[C]:-1
buttonSide = "left"
GetFont = defined =[C]:-1
checkedGMOTD = true
SetMaxLines = defined =[C]:-1
CalculateSelectingCharacterIndicesForVisibleLine = defined =[C]:-1
OnPostUpdate = defined =[C]:-1
RefreshDisplay = defined =[C]:-1
SetFontObject = defined =[C]:-1
textIsCopyable = false
SetOnScrollChangedCallback = defined =[C]:-1
CalculateNumVisibleLines = defined =[C]:-1
overrideFadeTimestamp = 300138.405000
MarkDisplayDirty = defined =[C]:-1
GetMessageInfo = defined =[C]:-1
GetOnScrollChangedCallback = defined =[C]:-1
AtTop = defined =[C]:-1
GetFontObject = defined =[C]:-1
fontStringPool =

CanEffectivelyFade = defined =[C]:-1
OnPreSizeChanged = defined =[C]:-1
GetScrollOffset = defined =[C]:-1
GetSpacing = defined =[C]:-1
OnPreLoad = defined =[C]:-1
SetSpacing = defined =[C]:-1
name = "Gen"
CalculateLineSpacing = defined =[C]:-1
AddMessage = defined @XanChat\xanChat.lua:248
InitializeFontableFrame = defined =[C]:-1
GetShadowColor = defined =[C]:-1
isUninteractable = false
SetOnTextCopiedCallback = defined =[C]:-1
mouseOutTime = 0
RemoveMessagesByPredicate = defined =[C]:-1
TransformMessages = defined =[C]:-1
SetShadowColor = defined =[C]:-1
buttonFrame = ChatFrame1ButtonFrame {
HasFontObject = defined =[C]:-1
isDocked = 1
GetOnTextCopiedCallback = defined =[C]:-1
SetFading = defined =[C]:-1
OnPostHide = defined =[C]:-1
alternativeDefaultLanguage = "Common"
isInitialized = 1
GetNumVisibleLines = defined =[C]:-1
GetInsertMode = defined =[C]:-1
SetTimeVisible = defined =[C]:-1
hasOwnFontObject = true
Clear = defined =[C]:-1
oldAlpha = 0.858824
channelList =
GetTimeVisible = defined =[C]:-1
IsSelectingText = defined =[C]:-1
SetTextCopyable = defined =[C]:-1
BackFillMessage = defined =[C]:-1
UnpackageEntry = defined =[C]:-1
FontStringContainer = {
SetShadowOffset = defined =[C]:-1
messageTypeList =
timeVisibleSecs = 120
PackageEntry = defined =[C]:-1
MakeFontObjectCustom = defined =[C]:-1
fontObject = table: 00000226230C66C0 {
SetInsertMode = defined =[C]:-1
mouseInTime = 0
UpdateSelectingText = defined =[C]:-1
zoneChannelList =
SetScrollOffset = defined =[C]:-1
onDisplayRefreshedCallback = defined =[C]:-1
insertMode = 2
ResetSelectingText = defined =[C]:-1
hasBeenFaded = true
0 =
GetTextColor = defined =[C]:-1
ScrollBar = {
CallOnDisplayRefreshed = defined =[C]:-1
OnFontObjectUpdated = defined =[C]:-1
ResizeButton = ChatFrame1ResizeButton {
onScrollChangedCallback = defined =[C]:-1
MarkLayoutDirty = defined =[C]:-1
SetFont = defined =[C]:-1
OnPostMouseDown = defined =[C]:-1
defaultLanguage = "Common"
isLayoutDirty = false
ScrollToTop = `


That's odd you shouldn't be getting that error. The frames should have a relative position. But I'll fix it right away. I'll just add a check for it. Thanks for filing the error report!


Thank you!