


Error in 11.0.2

jgleigh opened this issue ยท 2 comments


63x XanDurability/xanDurability.lua:279: attempt to call field 'SurfaceArgs' (a nil value)
[string "@XanDurability/xanDurability.lua"]:279: in function `GetDurabilityInfo'
[string "@XanDurability/xanDurability.lua"]:466: in function <XanDurability/xanDurability.lua:465>
[string "=(tail call)"]: ?

self = XanDurability {
IsRetail = true
IsClassic = false
IsWLK_C = false
backdropInfo =

aboutPanel = XanDurabilityAboutPanel {
Center = Texture {
RightEdge = Texture {
BottomEdge = Texture {
BottomRightCorner = Texture {
BottomLeftCorner = Texture {
TopRightCorner = Texture {
TopLeftCorner = Texture {
addSpace = false
configFrame = XanDurability_config_eventFrame {
TopEdge = Texture {
moreDurInfo =
settingsCategory =
LeftEdge = Texture {
(for state) =
IndexHandType = 10
IndexFingerType = 11
IndexThrownType = 25
IndexTabardType = 19
IndexHoldableType = 23
IndexProfessionGearType = 30
IndexBodyType = 4
IndexHeadType = 1
IndexRobeType = 20
IndexNonEquipType = 0
IndexWaistType = 6
IndexTrinketType = 12
IndexEquipablespellUtilityType = 32
IndexRelicType = 28
IndexRangedrightType = 26
IndexFeetType = 8
IndexShieldType = 14
IndexAmmoType = 24
IndexWeaponoffhandType = 22
IndexWristType = 9
IndexProfessionToolType = 29
IndexEquipablespellDefensiveType = 33
Index2HweaponType = 17
IndexNeckType = 2
IndexEquipablespellWeaponType = 34
IndexBagType = 18
IndexRangedType = 15
IndexLegsType = 7
IndexShoulderType = 3
IndexChestType = 5
IndexQuiverType = 27
IndexEquipablespellOffensiveType = 31
IndexWeaponType = 13
IndexWeaponmainhandType = 21
IndexCloakType = 16
(for control) = "IndexHandType"
slotName = "IndexHandType"
slotID = 10
hasItem =
dataInstanceID = 816
type = 0
isAzeriteItem = false
guid = "Item-155-0-400000099FE6210A"
id = 217182
isAzeriteEmpoweredItem = false
isCorruptedItem = false
lines =
repairCost = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) =
dataInstanceID = 816
type = 0
isAzeriteItem = false
guid = "Item-155-0-400000099FE6210A"
id = 217182
isAzeriteEmpoweredItem = false
isCorruptedItem = false
lines =
(*temporary) = "attempt to call field 'SurfaceArgs' (a nil value)"
pEquipDura =
min = 0
max = 0
pBagDura =
min = 0
max = 0
equipCost = 0
bagCost = 0
totalCost = 0


Yes that fixes it. Thanks.


Please let me know if this version fixes it.
