Pet Summon Loop with Wrong Faction error
CleverChrononaut opened this issue ยท 0 comments
I'm having an issue where the addon will go into a summon loop until you manually summon a pet. A WoW error message is displayed as "wrong faction". I wasn't able to troubleshoot the issue but a user on CurseForge, Finnegan, put a message that they were having the same issue and they believe it is related to the pet, Gilvanas. Here is a direct quote, "I put some debug prints into your summon module and narrowed down the problem to Gillvanas. I play Alliance and can't summon this pet as it's Horde only. I guess this also applies to Finduin on Horde chars."
The main issue with this is that since attempting to summon a pet will trigger the global cooldown, this can mess up summoning, mounting, casting spells, etc.