Z-Perl Unit Frames

Z-Perl Unit Frames


Constant Stuttering while using Z-Perl

TheHoboWithAShotgun opened this issue ยท 4 comments


i have a Problem with Z-Perl in SoD and Classic HC where i get constant stuttering. like i move then game freezes for 1-2 seconds then catches up and reapeats 1000x worse in combat not so much when just walking around town/outside combat. i confirmed it was z-perl by disabling all addons and it went away and turned on only z-perl back on and it came back. I can't for life of my figure out what in Z-Perl is causing it. couple ppl tried suggesting reinstall turn off animated portraits no change.

i Really wanna use this addon and would hope to get a fix for my issue. im using SUF for now like i always did b4 finding this addon. ppl say its just "bugged" a few ppl ive seen using it have no issues using it so dunno.


Could you maybe narrow it down which addon module causing this? Disabling half of Z-Perl addons then trying like that, then enabling more when it's good, disabling more then it's still bad.


I'll try that tomorrow when I allowing if I remember.


Could you maybe narrow it down which addon module causing this? Disabling half of Z-Perl addons then trying like that, then enabling more when it's good, disabling more then it's still bad.

so far its only "Z-Perl Player Pet" module/addon part cant speak for any of the raid ones as havent tried in a raid but so far the "player pet" one is only one thats causing the stuttering


Do you play with a class that's using the player pet frame regularly?