Z-Perl Unit Frames

Z-Perl Unit Frames


10.2.5 Lua error in ZPerl_PartyPet.lua

InvisiBilldotnet opened this issue ยท 2 comments


I (non-pet class) haven't noticed any problems per se, but this error pops up repeatedly.

4x ZPerl_PartyPet/ZPerl_PartyPet.lua:396: attempt to compare number with nil
[string "@ZPerl_PartyPet/ZPerl_PartyPet.lua"]:396: in function <ZPerl_PartyPet/ZPerl_PartyPet.lua:370>
[string "@ZPerl_PartyPet/ZPerl_PartyPet.lua"]:458: in function XPerl_Party_Pet_UpdateDisplay' [string "@ZPerl_PartyPet/ZPerl_PartyPet.lua"]:706: in function func'
[string "@ZPerl_PartyPet/ZPerl_PartyPet.lua"]:607: in function <ZPerl_PartyPet/ZPerl_PartyPet.lua:567>

self = XPerl_partypet2 {
0 =
statsFrame = XPerl_partypet2statsFrame {
petmanamax = 0
conf =

pethp = 0
buffFrame = XPerl_partypet2buffFrame {
FlashFrames =
ownerid = "party2"
highlight = XPerl_partypet2highlight {
debuffFrame = XPerl_partypet2debuffFrame {
petmana = 0
nameFrame = XPerl_partypet2nameFrame {
pethpmax = 0
partyid = "partypet2"
buffSetup =
partyid = "partypet2"
unitPower = 0
unitPowerMax = 1
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "partypet2"
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "attempt to compare number with nil"
UnitPower = defined =[C]:-1
UnitPowerMax = defined =[C]:-1


Another similar error

1x ZPerl_Player/ZPerl_Player.lua:748: attempt to compare number with nil
[string "@ZPerl_Player/ZPerl_Player.lua"]:748: in function <ZPerl_Player/ZPerl_Player.lua:724>
[string "@ZPerl_Player/ZPerl_Player.lua"]:1789: in function `?'
[string "@ZPerl_Player/ZPerl_Player.lua"]:1000: in function <ZPerl_Player/ZPerl_Player.lua:990>

self = XPerl_Player {
 0 = <userdata>
 portraitFrame = XPerl_PlayerportraitFrame {
 nameFrame = XPerl_PlayernameFrame {
 unit = "player"
 partyid = "player"
 hitIndicator = XPerl_PlayerhitIndicator {
 statsFrame = XPerl_PlayerstatsFrame {
 Power = 0
 doubleCheckAFK = 2
 conf = <table> {
 groupFrame = XPerl_PlayergroupFrame {
 FlashFrames = <table> {
 state = Frame {
 runes = XPerl_Runes {
 classFrame = XPerl_PlayerclassFrame {
 highlight = XPerl_Playerhighlight {
 time = 0
 feedbackFontHeight = 30
 feedbackText = XPerl_PlayerhitIndicatortext {
 levelFrame = XPerl_PlayerlevelFrame {
mb = XPerl_PlayerstatsFramemanaBar {
 0 = <userdata>
 percent = XPerl_PlayerstatsFramemanaBarpercent {
 tex = XPerl_PlayerstatsFramemanaBartex {
 text = XPerl_PlayerstatsFramemanaBartext {
 bg = XPerl_PlayerstatsFramemanaBarbg {
 SetValue = <function> defined @ZPerl/ZPerl.lua:2693
pType = nil
playermana = 0
playermanamax = 0
percent = 0
(*temporary) = <function> defined @ZPerl/ZPerl.lua:1037
(*temporary) = XPerl_PlayerstatsFramemanaBartext {
 0 = <userdata>
(*temporary) = 0
(*temporary) = 0
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "enUS"
(*temporary) = "attempt to compare number with nil"
UnitPower = <function> defined =[C]:-1
UnitPowerMax = <function> defined =[C]:-1
percD = "%.0f%%"
max = <function> defined =[C]:-1
pconf = <table> {
 partyNumber = 1
 debuffs = <table> {
 portrait = 1
 scale = 0.900000
 castBar = <table> {
 fullScreen = <table> {
 dockRunes = 1
 level = 1
 size = <table> {
 threat = 1
 portrait3D = 1
 pvpIcon = 1
 lockRunes = 1
 healerMode = <table> {
 healprediction = 1
 showRunes = 1
 hotPrediction = 1
 threatMode = "portraitFrame"
 totems = <table> {
 absorbs = 1
 values = 1
 buffs = <table> {
 percent = 1
 classIcon = 1
playerClass = nil

Also, getting this