SUGGESTION: Energy Bar Ticker (video)
Jackodawacko opened this issue · 3 comments
Hi there,
I promise this will be the last thing I add since I know I've posted a bit on GitHub haha. I'm wondering if you might be able to add the energy tick bar for rogues like how it was in original X-Perl? I've listed the Youtube video that I took years ago which shows it. The way they had it was super clean and seeing if there's a chance you would be able to replicate it like how the look is in the original?
Thank you for listening and sorry again for the tickets lately!
:0 i asked it before and didn't get an answer for the same thing !
Don't forget the 5 second rule bar ! :)
Yeah I know that was a thing back then, I just need to dug up that code back from X-Perl.