Lua error
zeenk opened this issue ยท 0 comments
Got this error when I was doing the dungeon Waycrest Manor on the mind control boss Heartsbane Triad, it popped up when players got mind controlled.
89x ZPerl_Party/ZPerl_Party.lua:836: Usage: local result = UnitUsingVehicle(unit)
[string "=[C]"]: in function `UnitUsingVehicle'
[string "@ZPerl_Party/ZPerl_Party.lua"]:836: in function <ZPerl_Party/ZPerl_Party.lua:827>
[string "@ZPerl_Party/ZPerl_Party.lua"]:1516: in function `?'
[string "@ZPerl_Party/ZPerl_Party.lua"]:1252: in function <ZPerl_Party/ZPerl_Party.lua:1237>
Skipped (In Encounter)
When you have found a fix for this error you could also take a look at this fix my friend found so group ready check works again for everyone ๐
#104 (comment)