Mistweaver UI

Mistweaver UI


Update: Version 2 - Brings sephuz and prydaz down to beside leg sweep, to not be as empty in the top bar when not equipped and give faster view of prydaz when looking at Effective Health in my setup

A simple UI I've built for high keys as a Mistweaver Monk. The P: # M: # is not part of this weakaura suite, but is rather the Effective Health weakaura you can find here on wago.

Find my play here: https://youtu.be/PpaSFL091rs

A video or 2 have voice, and I'm hoping to upload more soon. If you're interested in Mistweaver Monk and have any questions feel free to join https://discord.gg/pqNwsTU and ask away. I have a handful of Help/Harm macros, Multi-talent macros, and even a healthstone/health potion macro.

Weakauras contained:

Eonar's verdant embrace (icon)

Leg Sweep (icon)

Life Cocoon (icon)

Leg Sweep Ready (icon)

Life Cocoon Ready (icon)

Mana 2 (aurabar)

Prydaz (icon)

Renew Mist (icon)

Renewing Mist (icon)

Revival (icon)

Revival Ready (icon)

Sephuz's Secret Monk (icon)

TFTea Stacks (icon)

Teachings of the Monastery (icon)

Teachings of the Monastery Zero (icon)

Thunder Focus Tea (icon)

Thunder Focus Tea Ready (icon)

Tiger's Lust (icon)

Tiger's Lust Ready (icon)