Sheriff Mod

Sheriff Mod


New roles support?

deceased-a opened this issue · 4 comments


I suggest to add support for new versions of Among Us, with 4 new roles.

  • Scientist can't be killed by sheriff.
  • Engineer can't be killed by sheriff (mistake will cause sheriff to dead).
  • Guardian Angel can't be killed by sheriff.
  • Shapeshifter can be killed by sheriff in any form, he is defenseless, and no shapeshift will help him.
  • However, the sheriff can mistake the shapeshifter for anyone and die.
  • Sheriff may think that vented imposter, and confuse with engineer, and die.
  • Nobody not know who is sheriff

Hi! The mod is still usable? Or you are working on it for future updates?


To be honest I don't see the purpose of future updates. the concept of the sheriff mod is already implemented together with a lot of other roles (OtherRoles, TownOfUs). I am glad that the sheriff became so popular. Feel free to contribute to the project via git commits. I personally only develop mods for Content Creators at the moment.


These are really good ideas. To be honest, I thought they gonna add the sheriff role, which would mean I would stop this project.
But let me see what i can do ;)