Sheriff Mod

Sheriff Mod


source and docs

coolkingcole opened this issue ยท 16 comments


I appreciate the work you have done, this is a really fun mod, but I was wondering if you will be posting how the mod works and general docs so it can be collaborated on. Also while the zipped packages are very nice, it is a little strange to only have the zip on the repo and not the source.


He just closed my issue with the same question. So I think I will recreate this plugin and release the code on github.

Lmk the repo you make, I can try to help.


He just closed my issue with the same question. So I think I will recreate this plugin and release the code on github.


There is a WIP modding lib called Check it out.


@Woodi-dev Am I allowed to release the source with my current changes? I added the possibility to modify the sheriff count and the sheriff kill cooldown


@Woodi-dev Am I allowed to release the source with my current changes? I added the possibility to modify the sheriff count and the sheriff kill cooldown


Does someone know how I can increase the scroll canvas in the game options? Because some options are not showing up


@Woodi-dev Am I allowed to release the source with my current changes? I added the possibility to modify the sheriff count and the sheriff kill cooldown

Yes you can, but I will appreciate if you link to the original project. I will release a new version where you set the sheriff cooldown too.


I created a fork and uploaded the source ^^


I alltough added the ability to change the sheriff count and cooldown


good job!


yeah having the mod on github but not committing the code to github is dumb


I decompiled it, its a BepInEx plugin, here is the source code for just the plugin:

You can find the dependencies and everything required to run it in the zip file from the latest release on this repo


He just closed my issue with the same question. So I think I will recreate this plugin and release the code on github.

Lmk the repo you make, I can try to help.

Just go to my fork ^^


His license includes a condition to publish the soucecode, yet no code to see here ....

EDIT: he also violates the license of bepinex which he uses, so there is a possibility of a lawsuit ;)


His license includes a condition to publish the soucecode, yet no code to see here ....

EDIT: he also violates the license of bepinex which he uses, so there is a possibility of a lawsuit ;)

No he isnt, because bepinx license only is for modifications of bepinex and not for plugins for it


@hennedo check out @Tobiti forks. There you find the source. I do not want to discuss this anymore