Statistics is a basic addon that is taking screenshot automatically when a boss gets killed that is in target of any raid member or the player itself.
Shows maximum attributes reached during a boss fight in chat and include this information in these auto-screenshots.
All screenshots are supposed to indicate class combination of players in raid to prevent forgetting it when you want to browse your screenshots in future, maybe even next day.
Addon doesn't have any visual config frame, so whole configuration will be done in Config.lua text file.
Addon has visual config frame since v2.0, accessible via /stats or /statistics
-- Configuration --
AfterLeavingOrgans - true/false = automatically take screenshot when you leave Jerath boss event.
WhenABossisKilled-true/false = automatically take screenshot when a boss gets killed by your raid or yourself
WhenEnteredАRegion - true/false = automatically take screenshot when you enter a pre-defined region (RegionBoundaries
WhenATitlels Obtained-true/false = automatically take screenshot when you obtain a title
WhenAQuestisFinished-true/false = automatically take screenshot when you finish a quest (daily/public/guild quests are ignored)
ShowMaxAttributesAfterABoss skilled - true/false = print maximum reached attribute values to chat frame after a boss fight ends
ShowClassOfRaid MembersinScreenShots - true false = indicate class combination of players in raid frame when taking a screenshot
RegionBoundaries - { ZonelDs = { RegionData ).} = list of zones that has RegionDatas for WhenEnteredАRegion ( RegionData = { X1, Y1, X2, Y2, CustomMessage) }[,] }
ShowCustomMessage OfDefined RegionsinScreenShots - true false = show custom message attached to pre-defined regions - rest of CustomMessage configs are disabled entirely if this has set to false
CustomMessageFontSize - 12<->72 = defined
CustomMessagePlace - TOPLEFT, TOP, TOPRIGHT, LEFT, CENTER, RIGHT, BOTTOMLEFT, BOTTOM, BOTTOMRIGHT = defines place of CustomMessages to appear in screenshot
CustomMessage Color - { 0<->1, 0<->1, 0<->1 } - { R, G, B } = defines color of CustomMessages
ZoneWhitelistForBossKills - { ZonelDs[,] } = list of zones that will allow WhenABossisKilled
ZoneBlacklistForBosskills - { ZonelDs[,] } = list of zones that will block WhenABossiskilled -- ignored if whitelist has a ZonelD already
ResetBossScrutOnSpecialEvents - true/false = reset boss scrutinizer when you finish a special boss event
ResetBossScrutWhenScreenShotIsTakenViaRegion - true/false = reset boss scrutinizer when you enter a pre-defined region (requires it to have WhenEnteredАRegion be enabled }
ResetBossScrutWhenScreenShotIsTakenViaBosskill - true/false = reset boss scrutinizer when you kill a boss requires it to have WhenABossisKilled be enabled
ShowMaxAttributesAfterSpecialEvents - true/false = Show Maximum attributes reached on special events
SendBossScrutToChatIfItResetByAddon - false/chat type GUILD, PARTY, YELL, SAY, WHISPER, CHANNEL = Send scrut to a chat before resetting it
ScrutWhisperTarget - text, target of WHISPER or CHANNEL
[Special Boss Events]
WhenNayatMobsSpawn - true/false = When Nayat hits 90% Hp in second room, when mobs spawn
WhenNayatIsUnlocked - true/false = When you unlock Nayat to damage beyond 90%
WhenKhatReach30Percent - true/false = When Rock Giant Khat reach 30% HP ( last phase )
WhenKhatMobsDie - true/false = When all mobs spawned in Khat event dies
- nothing